Cunninghams to stage trad music show for charity

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

Headford’s musical family, the Cunninghams, will being their Home For Christmas charity show to Campbell’s Tavern, Cloughanover, tomorrow at 9pm.

Matt, Eric, Ita, and Joe Cunningham, along with special guests Nashville singer Jeff Tuttle, Don Stiffe, sean nós dancers the Devane Brothers, and singer Margaret Flanagan will perform to raise funds for family support services for children with intellectual disabilities.

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New book shows that Galwegians make up most of the Leeds-Irish

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

Johnny Giles and David O’Leary might be the most famous Irishmen associated with Leeds, but the Irish, and particularly Galwegians, have played a big role in the city’s development.

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Councils must help schools to reduce water charges says McNelis

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

Galway schools face massive increases in water charges next year so it is vital that the Galway city and county councils help schools reduce their water consumption.

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New approaches needed to get more than four thousand Galwegians back to work says Michael D

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

More than 4,500 young people out of work in Galway. It is a crisis which calls for “imaginative and constructive leadership” which the current Government “is not capable of providing”.

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City council refuse collection service Christmas schedule

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

The Galway City Council’s refuse collection service will continue over the Christmas and New Year period, with the exception of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

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Crowe calls for pedestrianisation of Eglinton Street to extend shopping area

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

The pedestrianisation of Eglinton Street must be seriously considered as it would extend the main shopping area of the city centre, making it more accessible for shoppers.

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Students to ‘sleep out’ for COPE

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

COPE Galway is holding a sleep out to raise both awareness and funds for its work with homeless men and women in the city.

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Three years for glass bottle attack

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

A man was lucky to survive as the glass bottle he was “savagely” attacked with narrowly missed cutting a major blood vessel in his neck, the Galway Circuit Court heard this week.

The 23-year-old man responsible for the attack, which took place during a christening party, was sentenced to three years in jail when he appeared before Judge Raymond Groarke last Tuesday. Yaw Oppong Anakwa, currently of no fixed abode, had pleaded guilty to assaulting Frank Kamara at Ballybane on July 26, 2009.

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Galway dentists warn that time is running out for PRSI

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

Galway dentists are urging people who require dental treatment to apply for treatment and check-ups before the implementation of changes to the Dental Benefit Scheme on December 31.

One of the lesser-reported cuts in the recent Budget has been the near-abolition of the Dental Benefit Scheme, paid for by workers through their PRSI contributions. Until now, eligible patients have received a free annual check-up and six-monthly cleaning, and a portion of most other treatments covered by their own earnings.

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NUI Galway’s strategic plan to include €130m construction proposal

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

Key elements of NUI Galway’s new Strategic Plan 2009-2014, which were launched this week, include a major €130m construction proposal, increased numbers of spin-out companies and a rise in the numbers of mature, international and PhD students.

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New X Factor satire being shot in Connemara

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

Clive is a vain and lazy lion and he is a judge on a new talent competition, and if you don’t live up to his expectations, he will eat you for breakfast.

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Burglars target Newcastle and Doughiska

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

Gardaí have appealed to the public for information following a number of burglaries in recent days.

Two houses in Laurel Park, Newcastle, were broken into on Monday. The raids occurred between 5.30am and 8am, and laptop computers, digital cameras, a mobile phone, and car keys were stolen.

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Galway man jailed for ‘professional’ job on filling station

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

A Galway man who took part in a “professional” burglary in which €34,000 worth of cigarettes and cash was taken has been jailed for four years with the final three suspended.

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Galway Simon Community appeals for support

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

Galway Simon Community fears that there will be a further increase in demand for its services in the New Year following last week’s Budget cuts.

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Parents urged to get children vaccinated as measles cases surge

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

The HSE West is urging parents to make sure their children are vaccinated against measles in the wake of an outbreak of the condition in Co Galway.

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WEEE wish you a green Christmas - get recycling

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

WEEE Ireland, the Irish compliance scheme for electrical and battery recycling, has provided extra resources in recent weeks to assist local authorities in collecting water damaged household electrical waste in areas affected by flooding.

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Have you nominated anyone yet for the 2009 Mayor’s Awards?

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

The Mayor of Galway councillor Declan McDonnell is reminding people that the closing date for this year’s Mayor’s Awards is New Year’s Eve.

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TDs call for urgent action on local flood relief

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

County Galway will be given the highest priority in flood relief works by the Office of Public Works from next year, according to Minister of State with responsibility for the OPW Martin Mansergh.

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Michael D condemns another hit on school building budget

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

The last three budgets have inflicted “massive reductions” on the school building programme, a fall of 22 per cent, and yet the number of schools needing work remains the same as ever.

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Numbers attending Portiuncula’s early pregnancy unit up by fifty per cent

Thu, Dec 17, 2009

The numbers of women attending Portiuncula Hospital’s Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) rose by almost 50 per cent between March and September this year compared to the same period last year.

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