HSE apology too late for Sean but it could save someone else, says family

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

The HSE West has apologised to the family of a man with serious speech and hearing problems, after he was killed on his way home from a hospital appointment last February.

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Hefty fines for no-show Oughterard motorist

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

An Oughterard woman who failed to appear before Galway District Court this week was convicted in her absence of motoring offences.

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Airport blasts O’Leary comments out of the sky

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

Galway Airport bosses have lashed out at Michael O’Leary’s recent suggestions that there is no future for the airport.

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State of the art Mervue childcare facility to open in September

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

A state of the art childcare facility will open in Mervue in September which will cater for a mix of 70 infants, toddlers, and children and will offer day care, pre-school and afterschool services.

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Care cuts to be felt next month at Clifden nursing home

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

Two full-time nurses at St Anne’s community nursing home in Clifden will lose their jobs at the end of August, according to HSE management.

The HSE have confirmed to the SIPTU health union that the nurses’ contracts will not be renewed from August, and further bed closures are now imminent at the hospital.

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Man held in custody in connection with death of Czech teenager

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

A 22-year-old Czech national was remanded in custody at a special court sitting in Galway on Tuesday afternoon in connection with the discovery of a woman’s body near Inverin, Connemara, in the early hours of Monday morning last.

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Fourth annual Ireland cycle and climb for Chernobyl

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

The fourth annual cycle and climb to Croagh Patrick for Chernobyl Aid Ireland will take place on August 17.

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Minister for the Environment asked not to restrict one- off rural housing

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

Minister for the Environment John Gormley has been strongly criticised for restricting planning applications for one-off rural housing in the countryside.

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Former McDonagh building would be ideal location for Galway City Municipal Art Gallery

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

While viewing the exhibitions at the Galway Arts Festival box office in the former McDonagh/Instore building on No 5 Merchants Road last Saturday, it struck me that this building would be ideal to develop as a municipal art gallery for Galway city.

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Man charged with city shooting remanded in custody

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

A man who is charged in connection with a shooting in the city last April which resulted in another man losing part of his hand, was further remanded in custody following his appearance before Galway District Court this week.

Anthony McDonagh (42) of 37 Tulach Ard, Circular Road, Galway, is charged with having a sawn-off shotgun and a shotgun cartridge in his possession with intent to endanger life at Whitestrand Road, Salthill, Galway, on April 18 last.

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Custody remand in connection with Tirellan Heights stabbing

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

A Polish man charged with a serious assault was further remanded in custody when he appeared before Galway District Court this week.

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McDonnell and Ó Brolcháin to meet Housing Minister to try and secure extra housing aid funds

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

PD Cllr Declan McDonnell and Green Cllr Niall Ó Brolcháin will meet Housing Minister Michael Finneran and Environment Minister John Gormley to try and secure funds for the Galway City Council’s Essential Housing Aid for the Elderly and Disabled Persons Grant Scheme.

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The show goes on for The Saw Doctors celebration

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

Despite a changes of venue, an objection, and a court case, The Saw Doctors will finally be able to celebrate their 20th anniversary concerts in Salthill this weekend, in the grounds of Coláiste Éinde secondary school.

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City Hall says it is ‘anxious to proceed’ with work on Coolough Road

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

The Galway City Council remains determined to make major improvements to the narrow and dangerous stretch of road at Crestwood on the Coolough Road, City Hall has said this week.

PD Cllr Terry O’Flaherty has put forward an ‘urgent motion’ to the city council, calling on it to purchase the lands at Crestwood - either by agreement or compulsory purchase order - for road widening, footpaths, and public lightening.

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Dispute with neighbour proves costly

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

Breaking his neighbour’s windows and door during a dispute earned a Mervue man a €500 fine at Galway District Court this week.

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Money must be diverted to secure funds for essential housing grants, says McDonnell

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

Green Cllr Niall Ó Brolcháin must “use his influence” on Environment Minister John Gormley to secure urgently needed funds for the Galway City Council’s Essential Housing Aid for the Elderly and Disabled Persons Grant Scheme.

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Man with drink problem given chance to rehabilitate

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

A Connemara man who developed a serious alcohol addiction when be started to work with fishermen at the age of 15, appeared before Galway District Court this week charged with a number of drink-related offences.

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Tibetan Buddhist teacher to give public talk at NUIG

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

The Tibetan Buddhist teacher Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche will give a free public lecture on being a spiritual person in contemporary society, in the Cairnes Theatre, NUI Galway, on Tuesday.

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‘73 tractor still does the job

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

It must surely be a record that a new tractor purchased in 1973 has worked every year since, has the original tyres, and never got a puncture even once in all of 35 years. Martin Kelly of Ballinacor, Newbridge, purchased his first and only tractor, a Zetor, from Brogan’s of Ballymoe in the spring of 1973. He has used the tractor to cut hay, bring home turf, spread fertiliser, and do a hundred other jobs over this long period of time and while the tyres are “bald enough,” as Martin put it, he never had to remove a tyre since the day he got it. Martin intends to have his tractor on show at the vintage rally in Mountbellew, which will take place this Saturday and Sunday.

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Man threatens gardai his uncle will sort them out

Thu, Jul 24, 2008

A 26-years-old man arrested for refusing to give his name and address after he was found walking in the middle of a busy road while drunk, threatened gardai his uncle would sort them out.

Peter Grant, a native of Donegal town, with a rental address at 4 Sandyvale Lawns, Headford Road, Galway, pleaded guilty at Galway District Court this week to refusing to give his name and address to Gardai at Newcastle Road, Galway, on July 8 last. He also pleaded guilty to being drunk and to breaching the peace on the same date.

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