Science fun day at Galway Atlantaquaria

Galway Atlantaquaria, supported by the Marine Institute, will be holding a packed programme of events for Science Week Ireland.

Science Week Ireland, a series of events held each November across Ireland, is the biggest annual promotion of science open to the public. As part of its contribution Galway Atlantaquaria will be holding its annual Sunday Fun Day on November 9.

Highlights of the day will be a visit from W5, the multi-award winning Discovery Centre in Belfast, with its fun display of experiments and science busking. Captain ‘Black John’ will also be hosting his exciting cartoon drawing class and there will be staff on hand to show the children how to make a lighthouse. Guest speakers will include Dr John Joyce from the Marine Institute, Dr Gavin Collins from NUI Galway, plus Matt Craig and Matthew Laughlin from W5 Belfast.

In the run up to Science Week Galway Atlantaquaria are holding an art competition entitled ‘Create a Model Marine Creature using Recycled Materials’. The competition is open to children up to 12 years of age and entries will be displayed at the aquarium on Sunday Fun Day. Prizes include a €200 voucher for Kearney’s Cycles in Terryland, sponsored by Galway City Council.

With some great interactive exhibitions, ocean tank dives, face painters, and 'Molly-Cool Science Search', Sunday Fun Day at Galway Atlantaquaria is the place to be on November 9. A special discount will apply with adult ticket at €6 and child admission €4. Tickets are valid all day from 11am to 6pm.


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