Gardai issue warrning on home security

Householders in Galway are continuing to provide opportunities to burglars despite numerous warnings from gardai.

As the nights get darker local gardai are repeating their calls for householders to ensure that their homes and other property are secure at all times. The warning comes following a number of recent burglaries in and around the city.

Gardai say that despite their continuous warnings a number of households are providing opportunities to burglars by leaving windows and doors unlocked in their homes. They are urging householders to ensure that all doors and windows, including upstairs windows, are locked at night and when the house is unoccupied even for short periods of time.

Householders are being advised not to leave anything outside the house that could be used by a burglar to break in. Leaving a key with a trusted neighbour is also preferable to just leaving it under a stone or some other hiding place outside.

Valuables of note including laptops, other electrical items, cash, and jewellery should be locked safely away at all times. Lodgements of cash should also be made regularly and cash levels stored in the house should be kept to a minimum. All tools should be locked in sheds or garages which should also be locked. Households should also ensure door and car keys are put away safely at night.

Gardai are advising the public to be extra vigilant in relation to securing their premises and in taking details of any suspicious vehicles. Further information on home security is available from the crime prevention officer at 091 768001.


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