Cost of flooding clean-up will exceed €12 million

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

The devastating aftermath of Storm Desmond was outlined in stark terms by Galway County Council executives at its monthly meeting in County Buildings yesterday (Wednesday). And director of services Liam Gavin warned that the damage in many areas was yet to be fully assessed as they were still flooded but the initial tally was thought to be €12.2 million.

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‘We are the ‘elder lemons’ when it comes to online book selling’

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

On Friday November 29 1940, a tiny new bookshop opened its doors for the first time on High Street in Galway city. Little could its proprietors, Des and Maureen Kenny, have then envisaged that this modest business start-up – embarked upon when Ireland was in the early stages of World War II rationing - would go on to be one of Ireland’s foremost bookshops and art galleries and, over its six decades, a valued friend to many of the country’s most eminent writers and artists.

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Breast Cancer Research launches Nollaig na mBan (Women’s Little Christmas) campaign

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

To celebrate the historic Irish tradition of Nollaig na mBan (Women’s Little Christmas) on January 6, 2016, Breast Cancer Research encourages friends, family, neighbours, classmates, or work colleagues to gather and host an event to raise awareness and funds for vital breast cancer research.

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Rabbitte feels recruitment embargo at Galway County Council impacts on ability to battle floods

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

Fianna Fáil General Election candidate for Galway East Cllr Anne Rabbitte has expressed major concern about the number of council workers available to help out in the flood relief efforts over the next few days and weeks.

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Social Democrats Galway launch ‘Town Hall Twitter’

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

The Social Democrats Galway are announcing a Town Hall meeting with a difference as it will be hosted online. The group are asking Galway users of Twitter to get involved in this series of meetings where current issues can be discussed.

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Carraroe songwriter aiming for charts after her song wins PREDA competition

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

When leading musician and Preda advocate Damien Dempsey proposed the idea of a nationwide song competition for primary and secondary school students not even he realised the passion for music and justice that exists among the youth of Ireland. When he heard the winning song by a young Galway songwriter, he was blown away by the sincerity and emotion of the writing.

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Time to end land speculation says Nolan

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

Galway West TD and Chair of the Labour Party Manifesto Committee Derek Nolan believes that the next government must look seriously at ending land speculation by putting controls on the price of land in place.

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Tunes for Thoor - Galway’s finest unite for Thoor Ballylee

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

Following the recent flooding of Yeat’s tower and cottage at Thoor Ballylee, a number of Galway musicians are to perform a fundraising concert in The Village Theatre, Carrabane this weekend.

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Unique Lady Gregory portrait joins collection at NUI Galway

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

William Butler Yeats, poet, playwright, politician, and Nobel prize-winner for literature, always looked west. Through rare books, art, music, drama, and film, the Yeats and the West exhibition at NUI Galway discovers what the west meant to him, and what this might mean for us. As part of this exhibition of original materials that are unique to the West of Ireland, NUI Galway has added a recently acquired portrait of Lady Gregory painted by the artist Gerald Festus Kelly in 1912.

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Mayo Medical Academy launch opens new era of medical training in west of Ireland

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD today officially launched the Mayo Medical Academy, an NUI Galway partnership with Saolta University Health Care Group and Mayo University Hospital for the training of doctors. The Academy is housed in a purpose-designed facility located in the former chapel on the grounds of Mayo University Hospital.

This is a major investment by NUI Galway into Clinical training in Mayo, one of a series of proposed medical academies in the West/North West region. Construction of similar facilities at Sligo and Letterkenny University Hospitals is almost completed and they will be opened early in the New Year.

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Galway Garda figures down while serious crimes are on the rise – Connolly

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

Fianna Fáil General Election candidate for Galway West John Connolly is calling on the Minister for Justice to immediately implement the recommendations of the recently published Garda Inspectorate Report. He said that people in Galway are genuinely fearful following a rise in assaults, burglaries and thefts across the city and county.

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Boil water notice lifted on Ballinasloe public water supply

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

Following a meeting on Tuesday afternoon. Galway County Council and the HSE, Irish Water lifted the boil water notice on the Ballinasloe Public Water Supply Scheme affecting approximately 10,000 Irish Water customers. All affected by the notice can now resume normal use of the water supply for drinking, food preparation and brushing teeth.

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Christmas spirit alive and well among Galway Advertiser’s 87,000 Facebook following

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

Last Friday morning I was sitting in the newsroom of the Galway Advertiser when I received a phone call from a very distressed lady. The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, had been in town with her elderly mother the previous day. Her mother, who was recently bereaved having lost her husband a month ago, went to the post office to withdraw her Christmas pension payment. The elderly woman lost the money at some stage on Thursday and was understandably extremely upset.

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Do you want to feature in the next Jack Taylor series?

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

The cameras filming the latest adventures of Jack Taylor will be back on the streets of Galway inside the next month and the makers are offering interested locals parts in the TV series which has been seen right across the globe.

The series based on the best selling books by local author Ken Bruen has put Galway on the television map and features on international platforms like Netflix, as well as mainland European, UK and Irish TV stations.

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Daughter of deceased local woman not informed about her inquest, TD claims

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

An inquest into the death of a Galway woman took place a year after her passing without her next-of-kin being informed, it was claimed this week.

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Councillors dismiss proposal for cars to be allowed travel on Seamus Quirke Road bus lane

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

A proposal by Fine Gael councillor Pearce Flannery to try to allievate traffic congestion on the Seamus Quirke Road has failed to get the backing of Galway City Council, despite impassioned pleas from a number of local representatives. Cllr Flannery wanted the National Transport Authority to consider piloting a scheme whereby cars with three or more people could travel on the bus lane on Seamus Quirke Road. He believes this would encourage commuters travelling from the west side of the city to work on the east side to car pool. He has spoken before about the length of time it takes to cross the city at rush hour.

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Christmas Services at St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

The Annual Civic Carol Service in St Nicholas’ is on Sunday December 20 at 4.00pm. This is a traditional service of nine lessons. The service will be attended by the Mayor and city councillors as well as Bishop Martin Drennan and representatives of all the main churches in the city. Go along and join in celebrating the Nativity in prayers, readings and carols.

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Seventeen admissions cancelled ahead of nurses’ strike at UHG

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

Seven inpatient and 10 day case admissions were cancelled at University Hospital Galway as part of the regional hospital’s contingency plan to deal with the nurses’ strike, which was due to have taken place on Tuesday.

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Engineer who landed probe on comet to address Galway Astronomy Club

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

Just over a year ago the whole world watched as the Rosetta Space Probe successfully landed the Philae lander onto comet 67/P Churyumov–Gerasimenko, marking the first soft-landing ever on such a body.

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The magnet of Galway keeps drawing in med tech giants

Thu, Dec 17, 2015

Back in the day, there was nothing quite like a jobs announcement to get the blood flowing in a journalist. A jobs announcement meant a call from the hallowed offices of the IDA; a tip off that there was good news in the air; an early morning start to meet a Minister on his/her arrival at said destination; wellies at the ready if it was a greenfield plan; or surgical scrubs and hairnets if it was in one of those new squeaky clean facilities that now dominate our industrial landscape.

A jobs announcement is a boost to a general area in the same way an expensive new midfielder boosts a faltering Premiership squad in mid-winter. Jobs announcements meant good news stories for the papers and media, but also brought encouragement to those who needed jobs, who could at least see potential for a life in their own area. It also acted as a magnet to others to come to an area and to deepen the talent pool in this new location. Galway has one such talent pool — and it is well deepened, into pond or even lake status now. And it is this resource of talent and expertise that is bringing in more and more industries to a place where people really want to live and work. When we calculate the value of initiatives like Galway 2020, we talk of the rich cultural heritage of our area and how we can develop that, but it is also about using this cultural sideshow to attract people who want to partake in this Galway experience.

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