Panel star for the Laughter Lounge

Thu, May 14, 2009

JARLATH REGAN, the new face of RTÉ’s The Panel and the fastest rising star of Irish comedy will headline the Laughter Lounge in the Róisín Dubh on Wednesday at 9pm.

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Charnwood Symphony Orchestra to play Galway

Thu, May 14, 2009

THE CHARNWOOD Symphony Orchestra, along with the Tribal Chamber Choir, soprano Denise Leigh, and bass Simon Thorpe, will perform works by Brahms, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky in Galway.

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Enjoy mediaeval music this May

Thu, May 14, 2009

THE GALWAY Early Music Festival takes place this weekend with mediaeval inspired music concerts, workshops, and performances tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday.

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ConTempo’s Kylemore Abbey summer schools

Thu, May 14, 2009

CONTEMPO WILL host its Chamber Music Summer School in Kylemore Abbey and this year there is an additional week focusing on wind instruments.

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Recession busting art from Rachel McCormack

Thu, May 14, 2009

AT A time of recession, artworks are a luxury many cannot afford so that's why Galway artist Rachel McCormack has decided to offer her works for sale, starting at €5.

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Cinema Review - Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

Thu, May 14, 2009

OK so there’s no real surprise with this film - there’s the arrogant photographer with commitment issues, the slighted and heart broken girlfriends, throw in a bit of Scrooge-like ‘this is your life’ moral teachings, and hey presto you have yet another romcom.

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Galway African Film Festival launch party

Thu, May 14, 2009

THE SECOND annual Galway African Film Festival will be launched on Monday from 5.30pm to 7pm at the Town Hall Theatre.

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New Galway short film to be screened in Bar 8

Thu, May 14, 2009

ANN, A new short film made in Co Galway, in An Spidéal and Corrib village, will be screened in Bar 8 on the docks on Monday at 8pm.

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Tall tales

Thu, May 14, 2009

AS A genre, the short story is the Cinderella of literature. The reason for this remains elusive but there is no doubt the hapless tale or story is more often than not left aside and its more aristocratic cousins, the novel, the poem, or the play preferred instead. In fact, at one stage, it was the deliberate policy of French publishers not to accept manuscripts of short stories as “personne ne les lit plus”.

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Galway’s most successful literary export

Thu, May 14, 2009

KEN BRUEN is one of the few Galway based writers whose books sell in large quantities worldwide. This fact on its own would lead some of the more tragic purists among us to view him with suspicion.

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One Croatian woman’s humorous perspective on life under Communism

Thu, May 07, 2009

“COMMUNISM IS the death of the soul. It is the organisation of total conformity - in short, of tyranny - and it is committed to making tyranny universal.” So said American politician Adlai E Stevenson. It is the Western view of Communism, but not necessarily the view of everyone who experienced life in a Communist country.

Croatian actress and writer Ines Wurth, who grew up in Communist Yugoslavia, has a much less black and white, and a far more nuanced view and experience of Communism than Stevenson. It’s a view she will present through humour and song in her one woman show I Miss Communism in the Town Hall studio this Monday and Tuesday at 8.30pm.

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Andrew Lawrence-King and Harp Consort at Galway Early Music Festival

Thu, May 07, 2009

THE 14TH Galway Early Music Festival takes place from May 15 to 17, and is organised around the theme ‘Islands and the Waters Between.’ It promises to bring audiences on an exciting voyage to Ireland, Guernsey, and Cyprus.

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Lloyd Cole’s passion for golf, music, and being amusing

Thu, May 07, 2009

LLOYD COLE first came to attention in the 1980s with his band The Commotions, with whom he enjoyed hit singles like ‘Brand New Friend’, ‘Lost Weekend’, and ‘Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken?’. In the 1990s he disbanded the group and embarked on a successful solo career in America.

This year Lloyd released a four CD retrospective boxset and as part of his current Irish tour he plays Róisín Dubh on Sunday at 9pm.

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Water Donkey go Pigeon Racing at Town Hall

Thu, May 07, 2009

IN RECENT years Galway’s theatre scene has been enlivened by a steady flow of young talent emerging from NUI Galway, its MA programme in theatre studies in particular. Mephisto, Dragonfly, and Fregoli have all managed the transition from campus to city with aplomb and made their mark with notable productions.

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Can a big night out save a marriage?

Thu, May 07, 2009

BILLY FARRELL spends his time drinking, being envious of his friends, and lusting after Imelda. His wife yearns for romance and pins all hope of reconciliation on one big night out.

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Derby Browne’s musical Roman holiday

Thu, May 07, 2009

IRISH CHANTEUSE Derby Browne is back in the Town Hall next week with her show La Dolce Roma which promises to transport audiences to sunny and sensuous Italy.

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Celebrate five years of music with the Róisín Dubh this May

Thu, May 07, 2009

IT’S BEEN five years since the Róisín Dubh was taken over by Kevin Healy, Gugai, and Co, and in that time it has become the leading music venue in the city, and to celebrate that fifth birthday milestone, the venue is hosting a major party.

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Anti-Pop Consortium @ Róisín Dubh

Thu, May 07, 2009

ANTI-POP CONSORTIUM, widely regarded as cutting edge innovators by b-boy purists, experimental electronic heads, and indie rockers, play the Róisín Dubh on Friday May 15 at 9pm.

Even if hip hop was not going through a very stale patch, Anti-Pop Consortium would still, and very easily, stand out as innovators. They have been praised for their stream-of consciousness lyrics, their ability to give seemingly unrelated word clusters hidden meaning, and their sonic backdrops that provide the perfect canvas for their lyrical paintings.

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Cinema Review - X Men Origins: Wolverine

Thu, May 07, 2009

The gorgeous and rugged Hugh Jackman is certainly great at getting his claws out in this action-packed flick but is let down by a rather rushed ending.

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Readings and book launches

Thu, May 07, 2009

Galway writers Maureen Gallagher and Alan McMonagle will read at An Spidéal Library this evening at 7.30pm. Maureen will read from her first collection of poetry Calling The Tune, while Alan will read from his new collection of short stories Liar, Liar. Both writers are published by WordsontheStreet.

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