Take up rather than give up this coming Lent

Thu, Feb 28, 2019

Back in the dark dreary days of the eighties, when the birds were falling off the trees with the hunger and the smell of rain-sodden hand-me down duffle coats was the overriding scent of the era, we actually looked forward to Lent and the chance to give up something you were probably unlikely to be having anyway.

Back then, there didn’t seem many vices that seemed give-up-able for 40 days. There wasn’t that much TV, there was no internet or social media of which to deprive yourselves. In the main, it was sweets and sugar — and so the beet and sweet industry took a blow during the Springtime of each year, as our souls were saved from eternal damnation by virtue of our amazing willpower to deny ourselves goodies that were probably out of reach anyway.

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Fantasy Football round 29 preview

Thu, Feb 28, 2019

There are only 10 matches to go in the Premier League. Liverpool and Man City are slugging it out at the top for the right for them to call themselves the best team in the land; the battle for Champions League football is hotting up, and plenty of sides are fighting for their top-flight lives; it is exciting.

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Government appoints housing taskforce after councils criticised

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

A special taskforce charged with increasing the availability of affordable and social housing in Galway is to be established by the Government, following the publication of housing figures which claim that Galway’s two local authorities are among the worst in the country for providing housing.

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Questions raised over Israeli ambassador's 'secret' visit to Galway

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

The Israeli ambassador to Ireland, his excellency Ophir Kariv, made an almost 'secret' visit to Galway last weekend, with many councillors unaware he was due to be in the city.

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Pro-choice group demands exclusion zones around GP clinics offering abortion services

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Exclusion zones must be created around hospitals, healthcare centres, and GP practices to ensure every patient can approach and enter a premises to access healthcare "without fear".

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The Stunning set to be honoured at Mayor's Ball

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

The Stunning, one of the finest bands to ever emerge from Galway, and whose songs, 'Brewing Up A Storm' and 'Half Past Two' are regarded as Irish rock classics, will be honoured at the upcoming Mayoral Ball.

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Connolly warns VAT hike on health food supplements will have 'detrimental effect'

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

If plans to introduce a 23 per cent VAT on health food supplements go ahead it will have "a detrimental effect on people's health" as the resultant price hikes will put such supplements beyond the reach of many consumers.

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Ó Cuív warns CAP cuts may be higher than forecast

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Galway farmers are facing a cut of at least five per cent in the CAP budget in the next financial round of the payment, which runs from 2021 – 2027. However a leading Galway TD has warned the actual cut may be far higher.

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Connolly calls for 'wide ranging masterplan' to deal with city's traffic congestion

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Galway has a "golden opportunity" to lead the way in planning and public transport solutions in the State, but only if it adopts an integrated public transport plan to reduce traffic, as part of a comprehensive masterplan for the city.

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Major two-day conference on Brexit and the future of British-Irish relations

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

A high level conference on ‘Brexit and the Future of British-Irish Relations’ with leading figures in politics, business, journalism and academia will take place at NUI Galway on Thursday, 28 February and Friday, March 1. The event has been co-organised by the University’s Moore Institute, the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies at the University of Notre Dame, and the Mitchell Institute at Queen’s University Belfast.

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Junk Kouture success for St Paul’s students

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Two transition year students from St Paul’s Secondary School in Oughterard have been selected to represent their school in this year’s Bank of Ireland Junk Kouture regional finals in the TF Royal in Castlebar on March 7.

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Loughnane demands council debates putting 'right to housing' in the Constitution

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

The Galway City Council should support calls for the right to housing to be inserted in the Constitution, especially as similar motions are going through councils in Dublin and Cork on March 9 and 11.

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Galway photographers win awards at annual Oscars

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Three Galway photographers were rewarded for the excellence of their work at the annual awards of the Press Photographers Association of Ireland last weekend.

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What should be Galway city's priorities over the next five years?

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

It is an intriguing question: what should be our priorities as a city over the next five years? Intriguing, because there are so many possibilities to choose from, so many things we can, and should, do, have we but the time and resources to implement them.

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'Out and out Galway man' commemorated in London

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

A few months ago, in London, a commemorative plaque was erected in honour of Dr Robert Dolan, a proud Galway man who was a brilliant forensic psychiatrist and medical administrator.

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Clodagh Higgins to run for FG in Galway City West

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Clodagh Higgins has been confirmed as Fine Gael's second candidate for Galway City West in May's Local Elections, finally bringing to an end the long held speculation the party would field a running mate for Cllr Pearce Flannery.

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Ó Cuív demands new county council chief executive be appointed 'urgently'

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Government plans to amalgamate Galway's two local authorities lies behind the delay in appointing a chief executive to be appointed to the Galway County Council.

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Meeting to engage people in process of building their own home

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

An open meeting to discuss an initiative to engage people in the process of building their own homes, will take place in the city this weekend.

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Cuddy calls for new bus route linking Claregalway and Carnmore to the city

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Bus Éireann has been called on by Independent county councillor Jim Cuddy, to consider providing a new route between Claregalway, Carnmore, and Galway city.

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Floodlighting heritage buildings would help them share Global Greening

Thu, Feb 21, 2019

An East Galway TD is calling on the Office of Public Works (OPW) to floodlight sites in east Galway such as Portumna Castle.

Minister Ciaran Cannon has said that apart from better promoting the structures for visitors, the move would ensure the buildings could be included in the Global Greening initiative.

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