Higgins calls for bike scheme to be extended to Salthill and Knocknacarra

Thu, May 21, 2020

As social distancing will remain in place for some time, extending the Coca Cola bike scheme is "vital", given that, as restrictions are lifted, people will need alternative means to "get around and get back to work".

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Corrib river Foot/Cycling Bridge could be a gamechanger for a new ‘green’ and ‘blue’ Galway

Thu, May 21, 2020

Galway City Council is considering funding for the bridge under the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund. This decision is enthusiastically welcomed by community and environmental groups that have been advocating for this development for many years," said Mr Smith.

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Light rail must be part of transport solutions for a post Covid-19 Galway

Thu, May 21, 2020

The implications of the Covid-19 pandemic have "focused a spotlight" on the need for transport solutions that are green, sustainable, and conducive to social distancing, and "Galway has a golden opportunity to show what is possible".

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Grealish calls for flexibility in operation of broadband contracts 'at this unprecedented time'

Thu, May 21, 2020

With many people now working from home and reliant on good broadband connectivity, and with the rollout of the National Broadband Plan stalled, the Government needs to show flexibility in implementing and enforcing broadband contracts.

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HSE to provide PPE for Cuan Mhuire addiction treatment centre

Thu, May 21, 2020

The HSE has confirmed it will provide PPE to Cuan Mhuire, Ireland’s largest voluntary provider of addiction treatment services and residential rehabilitation, based in Coolarne, Athenry.

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NUIG postgraduates launch petition for 'fair working environment'

Thu, May 21, 2020

NUI Galway’s Postgraduate Workers Alliance launched a petition this week calling for "a fair working environment and Covid-19 response" for PhD and post-doctoral researchers at the university.

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Government must 'not row back' on delivering new Inis Oírr pier, says Farrell

Thu, May 21, 2020

The Government must not be allowed "row back on delivery of the pier development" for InisOírr as promised under the Capital Investment Plan 2016-2020.

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Network of mental health professionals to support frontline workers

Thu, May 21, 2020

A voluntary network of mental health professionals has been created to support frontline workers in Ireland during the Covid-19 crisis. Covid Cara was established by Linda Bhreathnach, the award-winning writer and director who recently graduated with a M.A. in Psychology.

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Contracts issued for design team for new school building for Moycullen

Thu, May 21, 2020

Contracts to appoint a design team for a proposed new, larger school building, with upgraded facilities, to accommodate Moycullen's growing population, have been appointed.

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Going like Jacuzzis - a reflection on FF and FG's path to coalition

Thu, May 21, 2020

At the height of our artificially inflated economic boom, or Celtic Tiger, the owners of a prominent builders’ suppliers told a friend of mine that although the year was not yet over they were ‘amazed at the phenomenal amount of Jacuzzis’ they were selling.

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Is a second election the answer to Government formation stalemate?

Thu, May 21, 2020

The first 100 days is traditionally the point at which a new government gets its first provisional review and points to achievements to show it has hit the ground running.

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If you need help or want to help exiting lockdown

Thu, May 21, 2020

Before Ireland ever entered into lockdown on March 27, Dr Conor Hogan saw the warning signs to people’s mental health, for businesses and normal life, as we knew it then back then, in general.

With the Coronavirus around the corner, he created the ‘Irish Self Isolation Support’ group on Facebook. His mission was simple. By creating a group as such, people and would begin to warrant the warning signs of the impending surge of the Covid-19 pandemic, stay at home, and seek the positive and factual support on all issues of the crisis within the group. It worked. People flocked to the group in their thousands.

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Biodiversity Week goes virtual

Thu, May 21, 2020

Biodiversity Week takes place from May 22 to 29, and many Galway events will take place online during this year’s celebration of nature.

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I fought the lawn — Petition urges Say No to the Mow

Thu, May 21, 2020

A petition requesting that Galway City Council leave the green areas unmowed has been launched by Green Party Chairperson, Claire Hillery. The petition points out that during the pandemic, most council parks and grass verges have been allowed to grow wild and that, contrary to the belief that ‘neat and green is nice’, these wild parks and verges are far more beautiful with pinks, blues, yellows, whites and purples. The petition was launched last week and within 48 hours, more than 300 people had signed it, with names continuing to be added.

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Re-opening Galway gets bike boost as businesses support campaign

Thu, May 21, 2020

Galway Cycling Campaign has said that it backing local businesses as the city knuckles down to kick-start the economy again.

The movement to ‘Change Our Streets’ is moving up a gear to make Galway city more family friendly, as Covid-19 movement restrictions begin to ease. Chairperson Kevin Jennings welcomed the publication of the City Council’s mobility plan, and sent a letter to the City Mobility Team on Monday to wish them every success.

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West region accounts for just four per cent of all cases in the country

Thu, May 21, 2020

A total of 1,060 cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in the HSE West region, according to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre’s latest Covid-19 epidemiology report. This figure represents 4.9 per cent of the overall number of cases in the country.

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What are you going to bring with you into this strange new world?

Thu, May 21, 2020

There are many new faces on the small country roads where I run each morning. People I have never before encountered out discovering the wonder of the countryside, finding the delights that have surrounded them for decades but which they might have never noticed to this extent. How many people have rediscovered the wonder of exercise? Granted it is easy now at this time of the year with the sun shining and the birds belting their little hearts out from every branch... and with less traffic on the roads making it safer for children to discover the wonder of cycling.

This week as we have entered the first phase of exiting lockdown, we go back into doing things the way we used to, although there will be many challenges to how we manage this while maintaining social distance and adhering to health and safety standards.

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SmallWall helps local School with Inclusion and Social Distancing

Wed, May 20, 2020

Sean Dunleavy CEO of SmallWall from Kilconly, Tuam Co. Galway and Sarah McGinley principal of St. Josephs Special School, Newcastle Galway, have teamed up together to come up with a solution to Inclusion and social distancing once children and staff return to school. “I cried when I saw them, I have been looking for something like this to bring into the schoolyard long before covid19. In a busy playground, it’s important to respect that some children need a safe, quiet and cosy space where they can relax and have time out. Some will use the space to engage in self-regulation and practice their calming techniques if they are finding the playground overwhelming.” said Sarah

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Calls for re-opened Galway to be conducive to social distancing

Thu, May 14, 2020

Calls have been made this week to change the streetscape of the city to make it more conducive to social distancing over the duration of the Covid-19 crisis.

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Condemnation for protest on N84 which blocked ambulance and hindered frontline healthcare workers

Thu, May 14, 2020

A protest on the N84 Headford Road, against Garda checkpoints in the area, which disrupted traffic and delayed frontline medical workers from travelling into the city, has been condemned by a local councillor.

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