Before Ireland ever entered into lockdown on March 27, Dr Conor Hogan saw the warning signs to people’s mental health, for businesses and normal life, as we knew it then back then, in general.
With the Coronavirus around the corner, he created the ‘Irish Self Isolation Support’ group on Facebook. His mission was simple. By creating a group as such, people and would begin to warrant the warning signs of the impending surge of the Covid-19 pandemic, stay at home, and seek the positive and factual support on all issues of the crisis within the group. It worked. People flocked to the group in their thousands.
Over the coming days, Dr. Hogan assembled a team of local people that he knew had the empathetic character to help him in the task of keeping group members accurately updated with information and positively supported in the midst of the panic. Joined by Galweigans Pat Crowley who is a professional educator and former Galway footballer, Bernie Stewart who was well known for her time with Supermac’s and working in local schools, and the forever supportive Ronan Scully of Self Help Africa, the group began to take shape. As people sought out support of various kinds Dr. Hogan used his large plethora of professional coaching, therapeutic, and leadership skills online and welcomed those in most need for free private consultations via his personal profile within the group.
When a call was made for volunteers within the group to help out with the national need for volunteers, members responded in kind and offered selflessly to aid Ireland’s cause. Dr. Hogan coordinated with journalist Helen O’Rahilly who did such trojan work at this time for the country’s cause. Since its inception, there has been a huge amount of activity in the group.
From a four hour table quiz on St. Patrick’s Day, daily support calls and games, positive and reflective conversations, to the upbeat and quick witted responses of many members to the call of those who may be just feeling down on a trying day during lockdown. The support that been shown within the group has attracted people from every continent of the world. The Céad Míle Fáilte was sought by people of all areas of our planet and those within the group have responded with virtual open arms.
Now as we enter into a new period of challenge with Covid-19 the group is open to your needs too. Anybody that seeks support or wishes to help other people as Ireland exits from lockdown is invited to join this group. Once you are positive and supportive of the five proposed stages of exiting from lockdown then you are welcome to partake in the group.
From now on the group is not only about being positively supportive of others and offering a place for potential interested volunteers to merge, but it a group to elicit proactive conversation and ideas that can help others too. By being a member of the group it is envisaged that solutions to the potential problems that all Irish people may encounter over the coming time can be discovered. Whether these issues are of an emotional kind, financial, business, or any other people are all very welcome to partake in a positive and supportive manner.
“Thanks to people like teachers Niall Duddy and Dave Henry, book experts Dr. Niall McElwee from Book Hub Publishing, Dr. Phil Noone who has guided meditation at times, positive people like Lorraine Jony, Eileen Bennett, Claire Watts, Bimi Corbett, and of course the fantastic admins, people have pulled together to makes things as upbeat as can be in a tense situation for all.
Now though, another challenge happens and we’re here for anyone who it needs the space. Who knows what`s around the corner health wise or economically, but, with proper organisation and guidance we will get through this together” said Dr. Hogan, who at present coaches, mentors, provides therapy online.
Due to it being unwelcoming by members who require emotional and daily practical support, spam and unauthorised business promotion will not be accepted in the group however, businesses are welcome to contact Dr. Conor privately with their ideas and queries or if they are struggling or need guidance.
If you have any ideas, would like to help others that seek support, or, if you need support yourself then please contact the group`s creator Dr. Conor Hogan on 0871005600 or on Facebook or via e-mail.
Conor Hogan:
Doc Conor:
Irish Self Isolation Support: