Light rail, not more roads, is the only real solution to Galway's gridlock

Thu, Oct 01, 2020

Hands up those who can remember getting their first home phone installed? Insider had to wait six months after application before Albert Reynolds, Minister for Communications, waved his hand in 1980, and as if by magic, I got a wired in house phone, then being manufactured by our own Northern Telecom in Mervue.

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Time to be sound, not silly

Thu, Oct 01, 2020

A community is formed by the willingness of all of to share in the responsibility for upholding the common good. Now, more than ever, we are aware of what the common good is. Now more than ever at any time in history, we know what the enemy is. Now, for the first time perhaps, the whole world shares a common enemy — an enemy that can be defeated the same way in Colombia, Canberra, California or Clifden.

It is not as if this thing that challenges us has a different line of attack in different places. No, it seems to have found a universal human weakness and is set to target this for the next six months or more.

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Thu, Oct 01, 2020

Euthanasia Bill should be rejected
Dear Editor,

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Architecture at the Edge returns this weekend

Thu, Oct 01, 2020

The Architecture at the Edge Festival will take place in Galway and Mayo this weekend. The festival, designed to help citizens understand the many ways architecture impacts our lives, will feature a weekend of online lectures, interviews, exhibitions, and panel discussions - all live and all free.

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Through The Glass Darkly

Thu, Oct 01, 2020

Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early third century BC. The name "Stoicism" derives from the Stoa Poikile, or "painted porch", a colonnade decorated with mythic and historical battle scenes, on the north side of the Agora in Athens, where Zeno and his followers gathered to discuss their ideas. It was one of the major philosophical schools in classical Athens, along with the Plato’s Academy, the tradition of Aristotle, and the Epicureans. Stoicism flourished throughout the Roman and Greek world until the third century AD, and among its adherents was Emperor Marcus Aurelius. It experienced a decline after Christianity became the state religion in the fourth century AD. Since then it has seen revivals, notably in the Renaissance. The French philosopher and essayist Michel de Montaigne was a notable stoic as was the great Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza.

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Positive Ageing Week celebrates the mischievous and the sparky

Thu, Oct 01, 2020

Today, October 1 is International Day of Older Persons – a day to celebrate the enormous contribution of older people to our family life, our neighbourhoods and our communities.

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Advertiser in brief

Thu, Oct 01, 2020

Theft of bike in city
On Wednesday September 23 at around 7.30pm, a black and white Cube bike was stolen from the bike rack at Eyre Square in Galway city centre.

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Lár Sráide le Conradh na Gaeilge

Thu, Oct 01, 2020

Aighneacht do Choimisiún na hEorpa
Tá feachtas curtha ar bun ag grúpaí i mballstáit an tAontas Eorpaigh ag éileamh ar Choimisiún na hEorpa buiséad agus scéimeanna tacaíochta faoi leith a chur ar fáil do réigiúin ar fud na hEorpa a bhfuil tréithe cultúrtha agus teanga ar leith acu, na ceantair Ghaeltachta san áireamh. Tá Conradh na Gaeilge ag lorg tacaíochta don fheachtas seo, ag súil gur deis í chun maoiniú breise a fháil don Ghaeilge agus don Ghaeltacht.

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Hector's A to Z of Africa

Thu, Oct 01, 2020

Hector Africa – A go Z’ will see Ireland’s most famous traveller, Hector Ó hEochagáin take you on the first three stops on an African road trip of a lifetime from Addis to Zimbabwe.

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Fantasy Football round four preview

Wed, Sep 30, 2020

Game week three brought 36 goals, thrillers, and upset; it really had it all. Result of the round came at the Etihad Stadium where Leicester City thumped Man City 5-2.

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Winner of Galway Advertiser’s Photo Competition ‘The Best Things in Life are Free’ announced!

Wed, Sep 30, 2020

At the Galway Advertiser, we believe the ‘Best Things in Life are Free’, just like our newspaper which is delivered to over 40,500 homes and businesses FREE every week.

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Student gatherings could bring Galway one step closer to county wide lockdown

Tue, Sep 29, 2020

Fears that Galway has been brought one step closer to a county wide lockdown emerged last night after large groups of students were gathering to celebrate Fresher's Week, in defiance of public health guidelines on social distancing.

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Tue, Sep 29, 2020

As outlined in the graph below, showing figures up to September 27th, the rate of new Covid-19 cases in Galway has increased dramatically in recent weeks. The city and county have now entered a critical phase where the behaviour of all of us will determine the extent of the further restrictions to be imposed. The number of new cases in Galway for September is over ten times as high as the number of new cases for August. In the last week alone, Galway has had more new cases of Covid-19 than in total for the three months of June, July and August.

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Meeting held following overnight incidents in Galway City

Tue, Sep 29, 2020

The Mayor and Chief Executive of Galway City Council convened an emergency virtual meeting on Tuesday morning of various agencies and interested parties in response to the incidents that occurred in Galway City on Monday night.

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NUIG SU to distribute reusable masks to students

Mon, Sep 28, 2020

As students return to classes at NUI Galway this morning to start the 2020/21 academic year, the university's Students’ Union is distributing free face masks on campus.

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Development of the old Grove site in Tuam is to proceed

Mon, Sep 28, 2020

The development of the Mental Health Day Hospital site in Tuam will go to tender in October and the HSE intend to appoint the contractor in January 2021, it has been revealed by Deputy Sean Canney.

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Pop-up testing centre for Galway as students flock back to the city

Thu, Sep 24, 2020

With thousands of students expected to arrive in Galway City over the next few days in preparation for the start of the new academic year, health authorities have said that they are looking at creating pop-up test centres in anticipation of the expected demand for tests in the coming weeks.

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Man rescued from River Corrib by heroic Olivers

Thu, Sep 24, 2020

A man was rescued from the River Corrib yesterday morning by the father and son who famously rescued two girls at sea last month.

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On yer bike - Crowe calls for bike gardai units to target anti-social behaviour

Thu, Sep 24, 2020

Garda units on bicycles should be operated in the city as a pilot scheme as it would make gardaí more visible in communities and thereby more effectively tackle anti-social behaviour.

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St Nicholas' to mark 700 years with seven days of bell ringing

Thu, Sep 24, 2020

This Sunday, September 27, to mark the 700th year of St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church, the church bells will sound out for seven minutes at 7pm for seven days.

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