As outlined in the graph below, showing figures up to September 27th, the rate of new Covid-19 cases in Galway has increased dramatically in recent weeks. The city and county have now entered a critical phase where the behaviour of all of us will determine the extent of the further restrictions to be imposed. The number of new cases in Galway for September is over ten times as high as the number of new cases for August. In the last week alone, Galway has had more new cases of Covid-19 than in total for the three months of June, July and August.


It is up to you

What are your plans for the coming days and weeks, as it may be time to change them. The appeals of the acting CMO, Dr. Ronan Glynn and other members of NPHET to the public to redouble their efforts to keep the virus at bay are not having the desired effect in the Galway area, and a sea change in the attitude of some is called for. This is a time to take personal responsibility and for us all to play our part in suppressing the virus. To protect life and health, to protect livelihoods and employment, a few relatively small sacrifices now could make all the difference. If we do not individually, and collectively, make these choices now, it is likely that a far more restrictive regime will be imposed on us, and will remain with us for a considerable period. Protecting the elderly and the vulnerable must become the priority again, along with showing solidarity and support for our frontline workers. If we are not persuaded by these arguments, then, purely out of self interest, there is also a very strong case to be made to change our behaviour. Who wants to revert to further restrictions? Clearly, no-one does, but, without a significant change in behaviour, that is the direction in which we are heading. The vast majority of our businesses are following best practice guidelines, and they are deserving of our support.

Get the basics right and keep your distance.

Observe social distancing, wash your hands, wear a mask, follow respiratory etiquette and minimise your contacts at home, work and at play. Avoid crowded places. The health of our parents, grandparents and of our communities is surely worth more of an effort. Reconsider your decision to go to the match or the party, or to meet a group anywhere. If you are showing any symptoms of the virus, please contact your GP and follow the HSE guidelines. Our behaviour needs to change today, for this weekend and for the coming weeks. Each day we delay, the problem intensifies.

Three ways this can go

In the coming days we will hear that Galway is

a )In Level 2 but in danger of entering Level 3,

b ) Being placed in Level 3 or

c ) In Level 2 and likely to remain there, as the figures are improving.

Play your part, and encourage your friends and families to do the same. Minimise the risks and reduce the dangers. It is, literally, in your hands.


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