Nolan calls for penalties for social welfare fraud

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

If social welfare fraud is to be properly tackled tougher punishments, other than just paying back money owed needs to be introduced.

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Galway Potters’ Market takes place next week

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

Galway Potters’ Market, a celebration of studio pottery and ceramics, takes place on Thursday July 19 and Friday 20, at the Fish Market at The Spanish Arch, from 10am to 6.30pm.

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Local businesses invited to consult with Minister on Monday

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton will be in Galway next Monday for a consultation with the local business community regarding support for the protection and creation of jobs — and Galway businesses have been invited to attend.

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Broken images, broken heritage

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

Throughout history, nearly every religion of consequence has displayed a tension between austerity and exuberance. In Christianity this tension shows itself in the contrast between, say, the unadorned, white-washed chapel and the imposing magnificence of a great medieval cathedral.

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Agriculture office should be convenient for farmers says Connaughton

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

The Department of Agriculture is set to leave its Dockgate Street office and is likely to move to new premises in Galway city, but there is anger amongst county farmers that it will not relocate to Athenry.

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Back pain sufferers wanted for research programme

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

People who are unable to work or are on reduced work hours due to back pain are being sought to take part in a research programme at NUI Galway.

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Specialist cancer care services to be retained at GUH

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

Specialist cancer-care services at Galway University Hospital are to be retained despite recommendations that they should be withdrawn and transferred to Dublin.

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Bille Gaeltachta á bhrú tríd an Dáil

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

Tá díospóireacht á dhéanamh sa Dáil inniu, Déardaoin 12 Iúil, ar an dara chéim de chuid Bille na Gaeltachta 2102. Beidh sé os comhair na Dála arís amárach agus tá sé tugtha le fios go ndéanfar iarracht céim a thrí den Bhille a bhrú tríd an Dáil ar an 19 Iúil, an lá deireanach a bheidh an Dáil ina suí roimh bhriseadh an tsamhraidh.

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Deireadh le toghchán an Údaráis

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

Tá sraith leasuithe á mholadh ag Conradh na Gaeilge agus Guth na Gaeltachta ar an mBille Gaeltachta atá á phlé sa Dáil faoi láthair maidir le comhdhéanamh Bhord Údarás na Gaeltachta. Mar atá leagtha amach faoi láthair bheadh deireadh á chur le toghcháin phoiblí do Bhord Údarás na Gaeltachta agus an ceart chun comhaltaí a thoghadh á bhaint de phobal na Gaeltachta.

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Nine months for possession of slash hook in dangerously driven vehicle

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

A 26-year-old Ballybane man, who being in possession of a slash hook which was thrown from a car which sped dangerously away from the scene with gardai in hot pursuit, has been sentenced to a total of nine months in jail and disqualified from driving for three years.

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‘Utter conman’ fined and sentenced for handling stolen UK vehicle

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

A Galway native who had been buying and selling vehicles between the UK and Ireland for more than four decades was branded in court this week as an “utter conman” after he failed to contest the charge of being in possession of a stolen vehicle and was fined €1,000 and given a 12 month suspended sentence.

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Almost half of people screened in Oranmore had high blood pressure

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

Almost half of the people who took part in a health screening event in Oranmore recently had high blood pressure.

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Outer bypass to be included in new stimulus package

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

The Galway City Outer Bypass has been included in a shortlist of five roads projects to be progressed under a new economic stimulus package currently being negotiated by the Government.

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Funding approved for new Tonabrocky water reservoir

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

The construction of a new water reservoir at Tonabrocky, which will address the long-standing problem of supply shortages for residents, can now take place.

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Musician’s busk gigs during Volvo raises €6,000 for Lilly Mae fund

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

Lilly Mae Morrison (4) was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer that affects one in every 100,000 children in Ireland. During the VOlvo Ocean Race finale, Jamie Harrison, a local musician, performed on the streets of Galway to raise funds for the Sunni Mae trust, a charity set up to raise funds for Lilly Mae. After a total of four days busking, Jamie raised €6100 as a result of the generosity of the Galway people.

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Showcasing local produce made Joyces’ stand at Volvo another Irish success

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

One of the local successes at the Volvo Ocean Race was the Joyces Supermarket Food Stand at Breathnach Quay which served the fienst of Irish produce to customers to take away or consume at the deating area which formed part of the stand.

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Official launch of the O’Shaughnessy Bridge as city gets new landmark

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

The O’Shaughnessy Bridge which was constructed as part of an initiative to promote walking and cycling in the city was officially launched recently by new Mayor of Galway city, Cllr Terry O’Flaherty, along with Keith Warnock, the vice-president for capital projects at NUI Galway.

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Three Galway schools to benefit from European Investment Bank funding

Thu, Jul 12, 2012

Three Galway schools are to benefit from major improvement works after it was announced that the European Investment Bank has formally agreed to provide €100 million to the Irish Government for capital investment in schools across the country over the next two years.

The initiative, which was launched in Dublin by Ruairí Quinn, Minister for Education and Skills, and European Investment Bank president, Werner Hoyer, will involve the building of more than 550 new classrooms, as well as modernisation and construction works in 35 primary and 12 secondary schools. The funding will form part of the Government’s €219 million school expansion programme to be managed by the Department of Education and Skills.

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Volvo will find it hard to refuse Galway another finale says CEO

Thu, Jul 05, 2012

Galway is in pole position to land another Volvo Ocean Race stopover and is already automatically listed among 60 candidate cities which have asked to be considered as venues along the route of the 2014-15 event.

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Look and feel younger with Therapie, says TV doc

Thu, Jul 05, 2012

Women across Ireland are no longer prepared to sit back and allow wrinkles and lines take over. Non-surgical procedures like Botox and fillers have become unremarkable, and at Therapie Clinic Galway, women can make an appointment for these procedures.

Dr Mark Hamilton, Therapie’s surgeon, has become well-known through his appearances on TV, including TV3’s The Cosmetic Surgery Show. Dr Hamilton qualified as a surgeon at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin and spent a number of years in London before returning to Ireland. While in London he began his career in facial surgery. Originally concentrating on cleft palates and lips, he moved onto non-surgical procedures such as Botox.

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