County councillor calls for national debate on Traveller accommodation

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

A county councillor has called for a national debate on Traveller accommodation to take place in order to properly deal with an issue which continues to cause tensions in communities and costs the State money.

Fine Gael councillor Jimmy McClearn made the comments at the Galway County Council meeting on Monday

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Galway children to star in new series of Moone Boy

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Young Galway actors will be starring alongside Chris O’Dowd in the new series of Moone Boy which is will be shown on Sky next month.

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Clifden woman ‘stunned’ when she heard she had won carer award

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

A Clifden woman who has been a carer for 28-years was “stunned” when she was named a regional finalist recently in the national Comfort Keepers Carer of theYear Awards.

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One year on and Advertiser Deals is still home for the best online deals in Galway

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

The Galway Advertiser has always been the market leader in the west in connecting businesses with customers, whether they are shoppers looking for the best bargains or students looking for the best accommodation. For more than four decades, that has been our raison d'etre, coupled with providing an informative and entertaining newspaper.

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Galway schools to be excluded from book rental scheme says FF’s Nora Fahy

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

The vast majority of schools in County Galway will not be able to apply for the school book rental scheme as they are ineligible for it due to their own fundraising efforts.

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Galway’s €20 million road funding to help repair storm damage

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Roads damaged in the recent severe storm weather could benefit from remediation works sooner than expected as nearly €20 million has been allocated for the maintenance and strengthening of local and regional roads in Galway city and county.

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Irish Water is about profit, not service to the public says Emrich

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Irish Water will eventually be privatised and a basic and essential element will be taken over by private bodies to be “turned into liquid gold profits”.

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Mayor calls for crackdown on city brothel boom

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Galway city mayor Padraig Conneely repeated his call for the gardai to do more to stop the “booming trade” of a city centre brothel, adding that he continues to be concerned about human trafficking.

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Cá raibh Fine Gael agus an Lucht Oibre?

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Tá fearg ar phobal na Gaeilge agus na Gaeltachta nach raibh oiread is ionadaí amháin ó Fhine Gael nó an Lucht Oibre i láthair ag an gcruinniú den Fhochoiste Oireachtais faoin Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge a bhí ar siúl i dTeach Laighin an tseachtain seo caite, tráth a raibh an Coimisinéir Teanga, Seán Ó Cuirreáin ag labhairt os comhair an Choiste.

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Cruinniú poiblí ar son chearta na Gaeilge

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Tabharfar deis do phobal Chonamara díospóireacht a dhéanamh ar na hionsaithe leanúnach atá a dhéanamh ag an Stát ar an nGaeilge agus ar an nGaeltacht, ag Cruinniú Poiblí a bheidh ar siúl Dé Luain seo chugainn, 3 Feabhra, i Seanscoil Sailearna, Indreabhán. Cuirfear tús leis an gcruinniú ag 8.00in.

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Clarinbridge cannot be expected to pay water charges says candidate Kinane

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Clarinbridge residents cannot be expected to pay water charges when many cannot even use their showers due to pressure problems with the area’s water supplies.

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NUIG launches Múscailt arts festival

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Music, art, spectacle, performance and literature, and plenty of free events will make up Múscailt, NUI Galway’s annual arts festival which was launched this week.

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TV fitness coach warns against giving up ‘everything’ in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

A Galway fitness coach who aims to help people achieve success in the popular RTE health and fitness programme Operation Transformation is warning people against giving up too many things as part of their New Year healthy living plan.

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FG adds Bane and Byrne to county tickets

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Fine Gael will be running four candidates each in both the Tuam and Loughrea wards in May’s Local Elections to the Galway County Council.

Tuam town councillor Larry Bane has been added to the ticket for the now nine seater Tuam ward, to run alongside sitting county councillors Peter Roche, Tom McHugh, and Peter Keaveney.

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Monday is closing date for Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh entries

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Mayor of Galway Cllr Pádraig Conneely announced an impressive list of sponsors for Gradam Sheosaimh Uí Ógartaigh 2014 at an information evening hosted by Gaillimh le Gaeilge in association with last year’s winners of the Gradam, the Galleon Restaurant, Salthill, Galway. There is a growing interest in this award and this was evident by the large crowd in attendance from all sectors of Galway life. The closing date for nominations for this annual bilingual business award is next Monday February 3.

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Have you registered yet for the PREDA 5K at Galway Racecourse

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Entries are flying in for next month’s Freedom Run 5K atGalway Racecourse in aid of the Philippines based children's charity PREDA.

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Power of JPC diluted further by resignation of TDs, says Keane

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

The power of the Galway City Joint Policing Committee has been further diluted by the resignation of two more TDs.

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Fianna Fáil could take three seats in Connemara

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Fianna Fáil look set to challenge for three seats in Connemara in May’s Local Elections, but there will be no return to the party’s former dominance of the area.

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Socialism 2014 day school

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Socialism 2014, a Galway day school on socialist ideas, takes place in the Imperial Hotel, Eyre Square, this Saturday from 10.30pm to 5pm.

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Funds allocated to east side of city

Thu, Jan 30, 2014

Funds totalling €10,000 for the east side of the city has been allocated under the Local Improvement Scheme in the 2013 Galway City Council budget.

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