One year on and Advertiser Deals is still home for the best online deals in Galway

The Galway Advertiser has always been the market leader in the west in connecting businesses with customers, whether they are shoppers looking for the best bargains or students looking for the best accommodation. For more than four decades, that has been our raison d'etre, coupled with providing an informative and entertaining newspaper.

This success rate was carried on from the mid 1990s when we were one of the first newspapers in Ireland to have a web presence and the same principles that marked our four decades of success in print have been replicated in our online offerings.

None more so than on Advertiser Deals, the newest product launched by the Advertiser Group last year. Now just a year old, it has become the most innovative and powerful deals portal in the west, with thousands of customers having used it to purchase exceptional deals in solid local businesses around Galway city and county.

Unlike other major deals sites which have received negative publicity for allowing some businesses to offer deals beyond their capacity, the companies which have taken part in Advertiser Deals benefit from the backing of Ireland's largest circulation regional newspaper, ensuring that the brand of their company reaches into tens of thousands of homes every week, endorsed by the strongest media brand locally.

Details of our deals are carried in the print editions of all our newspapers and on our websites and social media — areas in which the Advertiser has excelled — especially on Facebook where the newspaper has 48,000 followers and new ones joining every few minutes to take part in the 24/7 engagement.

Advertiser Deals started with just one deal a week, but now it launches three new deals every week with an average of 15 active deals each week. At Christmas, Advertiser Deals had 24 deals active.

This has been enhanced by the introduction of the Instant Treats which take the waiting out of deals and offers buyers the opportunity to avail of their treat straightaway.

Advertiser Deals is run by a manager with a recipe for success this year — Sales Manager Alan Flynn already led the Galway U-21 football team to glory last year and his Midas touch is rubbing off on Advertiser Deals with offers selling out in record time. He is assisted by marketing executive Stephanie Morrin and together their team has amassed some amazing statistics in its first six months of operation.

Customers at Advertiser Deals benefitted from savings of more than €300,000 in the first year of operation and this figure is set to multiply in the next year as tens of thousands of subscribers sign up to the offers and with a whole host of exciting new features to be added in 2014 and 2015.

Advertiser Deals was one of the first elements of the Advertiser's move on to a digital platform and it has been an unqualified success, with more exciting digital products coming your way soon from the team who have brought you the most exciting web media presence 24/7 in the west of Ireland. However, to avail of these, you should register to receive the best offers so that you are in pole position to benefit from them.

If you have not yet signed up for Advertiser Deals, then you may not realise what you are missing. Those who have registered have already won fantastic prizes like concert tickets, holidays at home and abroad, and top notch tech products such as Ipads, XBox, and cameras, and there are more prizes on the way.

To sign up for Advertiser Deals go to


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