Crowe - FG dispute on Galway Harbour could cost city hundreds of jobs

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

A development which could lead to the creation of as many as 1,000 jobs is far too important to be used as a ‘political football’ between rival Fine Gael interests in Galway and Limerick.

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3,000 new houses needed in Galway to stave off housing crisis

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

An extra 3,000 homes will have to be built if demands for housing are to be met in Galway, meaning the housing crisis is set to escalate further unless serious action is taken.

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Margaretta D’Arcy calls on public to support Shannon protests

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

Galwegians are being called on to  join the peace demonstration at Shannon Airport on Sunday October 12 to mark the 13th anniversary of the US military presence there.

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Free concert in memory of Manuela Riedo

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

A free musical evening featuring local performers from around Galway will take place in St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church this month as part of a series of events to mark Manuela Riedo’s seventh anniversary.

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Teen’s debut CD to help suicide prevention charity

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

A city teenager who lost close friends to suicide has recorded a CD to raise funds for the national suicide prevention and bereavement charity Console.

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Help sought in identifying Barna Woods body

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

Gardaí are appealing to the public to help identify a man whose body was discovered in Barna Woods at the weekend.

The body was discovered in the woods on Saturday evening, and while gardaí have yet to establish a time of death it is believed the man had been dead for some time.

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Message to the great unwashed

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

OK, we're a day into it, A day into realising that while you may lead a horse to water, when he gets there, the fecker's gonna cost you a few bob. On Tuesday we splashed around in the bathroom like an orgy in the last days of Pompeii, but since then, we've been up half the night trying to ensure that the drop dripping from the tap in the kitchen is captured for the tay for breakfast. So what are we to do? How can we live the lifes of post-Celtic Tiger metrosexuals used to our washing and waxing and shaving and conditioning and scents that could kill an ass from 20 paces. How are we going to cope knowing that everytime you hear a flush, your wallet has a bowel movement? The days and nights of the much coiffured sweet smelling high heeled gelled back brigade hitting the clubs may soon be a thing of the past. Good old poor hygiene of the 70s and 80s will come back into vogue. A shower will become a luxury even if you do manage to get three a month. Lattes will replace straight coffees. Spuds will be steamed not boiled, car washes will become car polishes; horses at the racecourse will have to be rubbed down with a wet Babywipe instead of the traditional hosing. And gorse fires will be let burn burn burn. So life as we know it has changed immeasurably. So what can we do to save a few bob. Here are a few tips.

— Make sure you wear, rewear and then rewear again. In fact wear your clothes til they stink. For a start it is the decree of the State that the citizens will change their underwear every day. Paddy, you can change with Martin. Mary will you change with Sheila...and so on.

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Teen’s debut CD to help suicide prevention charity

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

A city teenager who lost close friends to suicide has recorded a CD to raise funds for the national suicide prevention and bereavement charity Console.

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Dog adoption day at GMIT this weekend

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

The Sports Hall at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) on the Dublin Road will provide the venue for the MADRA dog adoption day this Saturday, October 4, from 12 – 4pm.

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Twentieth Autumn Gathering focused on Yeats’ passionate relationships

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

Even though the 20th successive Autumn Gathering centred on the talented Lady Augusta Gregory and her influence on the Celtic cultural revival at the beginning of the last century, it was her prodigy, WB Yeats, who stole the show.

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It all adds up for Maths Week 2014 at NUI Galway

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

Schools in Galway will welcome NUI Galway experts into their classrooms to deliver interactive workshops during Maths Week 2014, from 11 to 19 October. In a further celebration of all things mathematical, a nationwide schools competition PRISM will be run, while a series of public talks will illustrate the many links between art and maths.

Maths Week is an annual national event aimed at primary and secondary schools, to promote appreciation, understanding and awareness of maths and its relevance to society, education and technology. On request from teachers, NUI Galway’s School of Mathematics will dispatch lecturers and postgraduate students to schools for interactive talks and workshops.

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Cope’s Meals on Wheels clinches top quality award

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

A city organisation which has been preparing and delivering meals to older people in the community for more than 30 years has scooped a prestigious quality award.

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padraic deane

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

An initiative to combat suicide, alcohol addiction, and depression among young people in Galway launches on Friday October 10.

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Record number of employers groups for GMIT careers fair

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

A record number of employers’ groups and recruitment companies are due to attend this year’s GMIT Careers Fair, which takes place on Monday October 6, seeking to fill a broad range of jobs in a variety of sectors.

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Gardaí issue burglary warning ahead of dark winter evenings

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

Gardaí are advising householders to take precautions to protect their homes from burglars in advance of the darker evenings of winter, a time of year which traditionally sees an increase in break-ins.

A Garda spokesperson said this week that, while many burglaries occur during the day while the occupants of a house are out at work, the onset of short winter evenings also sees a rise in the numbers of homes broken into under cover of darkness.

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Galway families to pay between €278 to €586 in water charges

Tue, Sep 30, 2014

A family with two adults will pay €278 a year in water charges according to figures released by the water regulator this morning.

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UHG to get 75 bed extension in New Year

Mon, Sep 29, 2014

A three-story extension to University Hospital Galway, which will contain 75 beds, is due to start construction early next year, but calls have been made for affected patients to be accommodated in Merlin Park during the buiulding phase.

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Connemara lake body finally identified after eight year wait

Thu, Sep 25, 2014

Gardai yesterday confirmed the identity of a man whose body was found near Lough Inagh in 2006. The announcement follows an eight-year investigation by Galway gardaí in collaboration with national and international agencies and experts to identify the remains, which were found in a wooded area near the Connemara lake.

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The roots of the tension between the parties in City Hall

Thu, Sep 25, 2014

The first meetings of the new Galway City Council have been marked by tension and sniping between Fianna Fáil members and their counterparts in the ruling group of Fine Gael, Labour, and centre-right Independents.

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Locals asked to boycott Irish Water ‘application packs’

Thu, Sep 25, 2014

With ‘application packs’ from the controversial organisation Irish Water arriving in houses across Galway, householders are being encouraged to boycott the letter and not pay the tax.

Major concerns, and questions, have been raised about the wisdom of individuals giving Irish Water their PPS number. According to Tommy Holohan of the Anti-Austerity Alliance and the We Won’t Pay campaign, giving Irish Water personal data constitutes an agreement that it can share it with unspecified third parties.

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