Galway chef Jp McMahon to speak at Ballymaloe Literary Festival

Tue, Dec 23, 2014

Galway chef, Jp McMahon has been announced as a speaker at the prestigious Ballymaloe Literary Festival.

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Civic and religious leaders gather for 26th Christmas Messages radio programme

Tue, Dec 23, 2014

Galway’s civic and religious leaders will be delivering their Christmas messages on Galway Bay fm on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

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Senator critical of Department guidelines on boards of management

Tue, Dec 23, 2014

Sinn Fe?in spokesperson on Rural Affairs and the Irish Language, Senator Trevor O? Clochartaigh has called on the Minister for Education Jan O’Sullivan to review guidelines being imposed by the Department of Education on the Education and Training Boards in relation to appointments to the boards of management of schools in their catchment area.

Senator O? Clochartaigh believes the Government’s insistence that ETB members can only be appointed to the boards of management of schools within a 20km radius of their homes is totally unworkable in rural areas. “In areas like Connemara

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How we relate to strangers at heart of President Higgins’ Christmas message

Tue, Dec 23, 2014

As President of Ireland, may I offer my warmest wishes for Christmas and the New Year to everyone in Ireland, and to all of our Irishabroad,thosewho assistthem,andthe communities that have welcomed them.

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Minister confirms Dublin-Galway Greenway will be developed using CPO

Tue, Dec 23, 2014

Dublin based Transport, Tourism, and Sport Minister Pascal Donoghue has been accused of not understanding the issues surrounding agriculture, farming, and rural life.

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Train not coming down track so back the greenway, county councillors are told

Tue, Dec 23, 2014

Transport Minister Paschal Donohoe has made it clear the Western Rail Corridor will not be extended and calls have now been made on Galway county councillors to develop plans for a greenway on the disused railway route.

In recent correspondence with Brendan Quinn of the Sligo-Mayo Greenway Campaign, Minister Donohoe said there are no plans to extend the railway along the disused alignment.

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Ten-month countdown as white flag is raised on Capital of Culture bid

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

Galway city has less than a year to make a full application to become the European Capital of Culture 2020, following the Government’s announcement last evening to hold an open competition for an Irish city to be selected for the prestigious title.

An Irish city and a Croatian city will jointly hold the European Capital of Culture title, with Galway’s main competitors including Limerick, Dublin, and a joint bid made up of Kilkenny, Waterford and Wexford.. The final selection will be made towards the end of 2015 and the winning city announced in late summer/early autumn 2016.

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‘People should stay rather than emigrate, it’s too convenient for the Establishment for them to go away’

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

In these times of ongoing austerity, looming water charges, and general disaffection, God knows we could all do with a laugh. Let us raise our glasses therefore, in thanks and salutation, to writer Eamonn Kelly who delivers guffaws a-plenty in The Franz Kafka Centre for the Uninvolved, newly e-published and ready for download to a Kindle near you.

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Let the jostling begin

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

One thing a runner focuses on when limbering up at a start line, is the exact position of the finish line. And in the mind’s eye, the runner visualises the acceleration at the start, the pacing and jostling of the runners as they traverse the circuit and then strategise the manoeuvres for the home run with one eye firmly on the finish. And when you know how far away that finish line is, then you get a greater indication of the tactics you use.

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NUI Galway accepts flaws in appointment process and promotes three staff

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

NUI Galway is to promote three staff members to the post of senior lecturer after accepting a flaw in the appointment process earlier this year. At this week’s meeting of the institute's Governing Authority a recommendation to promote the staff was accepted, following "scoring errors" in the promotion process.

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Cancer centre to be developed in the west in next decade, report indicates

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

A new report makes a compelling argument for the development of a “comprehensive cancer centre” in the west.

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Controversy continues over proposed cost of new county council chamber

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

The substantial cost of renovating Galway County Council’s public chamber was raised again at this week’s local authority meeting. It is estimated the work which is currently under way at County Buildings will cost in the region of €450,000. It had initially been estimated that the extension and upgrade works would cost substantially less at around €200,000.

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New Inn gets ready for 2015 Mummers Festival

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

THE 2015 New Inn Mummers Festival, the 37th annual staging of this celebration of Irish culture, music, song, dance, and storytelling, takes place in the New Inn Leisure Centre on Saturday January 3 and Sunday 4.

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Councillors show their disdain for Irish Water

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

Galway County Council this week passed a motion to support the abolition of Irish Water. The motion was proposed by Fianna Fail councillor Michael Connolly and was debated at length at the meeting in Clonboo on Monday evening. Councillors expressed a mixed range of views on the issue but the overiding sentiment expressed was major disappointment with Irish Water.

 Fine Gael councillor Jimmy McClearn was critical of the proposal to abolish the company, which he claimed would mean nothing. ‘’I cannot agree with this. It’s complete and utter nonsense. It makes no sense outside of here. It means nothing and is going nowhere. I’’ll remind all the councillors here who agreed to the concept of Irish Water [Fianna Fáil] these people have short memories.’’

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Campaign for local rower aims to increase number of bone marrow donors

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

Friends of a local rowing champion who is awaiting a bone marrow transplant are spearheading a campaign to heighten awareness about the importance of becoming donors.

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Lapland governor visits west a week ahead of Lapland’s other famous representative

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

The Governor of Lapland is in Galway this week to explore links with the West Region and also funding opportunities.

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Dearth of burial plots upsetting councillors

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

The inability of people across County Galway to bury loved ones in local graveyards is causing huge concern to Galway County Council and  the situation has now reached crisis point. This week’s local authority meeting heard that one third of the county’s 230 graveyards now require an extension.

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Hugs for Galway fundraiser

Thu, Dec 18, 2014 has teamed up with local charity Cope Galway, and locally owned bus company Gobus, to bring a little bit more love to Galway this Christmas.

The This is Galway team plan to greet Galwegians returning home for Christmas at Galway Coach Station with festive cheer and hugs. In the process, they will also be raising awareness and much-needed funds for Cope Galway, an organisation which looks after some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

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GP’s vascular surgical device wins Clinical Innovation Award

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

A vascular surgical device developed by a local GP (and participant in NUI Galway’s BioInnovate programme) that makes it easier for doctors to access the body during vascular surgery has won the Clinical Innovation Award 2014. As a result, Dr Cliona Murphy will work with Cleveland Clinic to develop improved outcomes from vascular surgery. Dr Murphy, a General Practitioner and current participant in the BioInnovate programme in National University of Ireland Galway, collaborated with colleagues to identify a technology that will make it easier for doctors to access the body during vascular surgery, and potentially improve outcomes for patients as a result.

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A dog can be just for Christmas — foster a MADRA dog this festive season

Thu, Dec 18, 2014

In normal circumstances, the old adage that a pet is not just for Christmas applies, but that is about to change in the west.

Local dog rescue group MADRA is calling on the people of Galway to provide two-week foster homes for rescue dogs over the Christmas period.

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