Local author says overweight people eat too quickly

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

Up to 99.9 per cent of people who are overweight eat too quickly. That is the opinion of local author, therapist and trainer Diarmuid Lavelle whose new book The Sensual Slimmer has just hit the bookshelves.

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Connolly condemns O’Ceidigh’s ‘sinister’ remarks on water crisis

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

“Biased, unhelpful”, “positively dangerous”, and “sinister” is how Independent Cllr Catherine Connolly has described recent remarks by Padraig O’Ceidigh, blaming city councillors for the lead water crisis.

Cllr Connolly has reacted strongly to Mr O’Ceidigh’s comments, made on a national radio programme, saying such an allegation is “deliberately deflecting attention from the failure of city management” to “not only deal with the lead crisis but also to withhold information from the public and elected members”.

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Only replacing lead pipes and water quality guarantee will ease minds, says Healy Eames

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

The Environment Minister needs to firmly commit to the replacement of 3kms of lead pipes in Old Mervue and guarantee the quality of water in order to put the minds of Galway residents at ease and restore confidence, according to Fine Gael Senator Fidelma Healy Eames.

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Beware of bogus water testers warns Walsh

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

Fine Gael Cllr Brian Walsh is warning the public to beware of potential bogus water testers claiming to be from the Galway City Council or the HSE and to always ask for ID before letting anyone into the house.

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New Dublin Road outbound bus lane should ‘significantly reduce journey times’

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

Work has begun on a new outbound bus lane along the Dublin Road, extending from Moneenageisha to the Renmore Road junction. Works will take up to 16 weeks but when completed, the new lane should significantly reduce journey times along the route.

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Galway Rape Crisis Centre takes four helpline calls each day!

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

The Galway Rape Crisis Centre responded to 1,322 helpline calls, dealt with 256 new clients and delivered prevention and awareness training to more than a 1,000 people last year.

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AIB Better Ireland Programme awards €90,000 to children’s groups in Galway

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

Nine children’s groups in Galway have topped the local vote in AIB’s Better Ireland Programme. They have each received a donation of €10,000 from AIB branches in their area.

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Galway seeks new traffic lights system to ease traffic flow

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

The Galway City Council is to apply to the Department of Transport for funding to establish and operate an urban traffic control system which will allow a freer flowing of traffic in the city.

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Gort to name its People of the Year

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

The first Gort People of the Year Awards will take place later this month.

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Drum school at Brigit’s Garden

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

A DAY of tribal drumming and singing will take place at Brigit’s Garden, Roscahill, this Sunday with Buladh Chroi community drum circle.

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Galway cycling loses a great friend

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

The Galway cycling community is mourning the loss of one of the west’s most well known enthusiasts and charity fundraisers.

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Man ‘lunges’ at girlfriend after barricading sitting room

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

A local man, who threatened to stab anyone who came near him, violently “lunged” at his girlfriend after attempting to obstruct gardai by barricading his parents’ sitting room, the Galway District Court heard this week.

Damien McElroy (29) formerly of 30 John Coogan Park, Newcastle, appeared before Judge Mary Fahy last Monday and pleaded guilty to obstructing Garda Thomas Doyle on August 30, 2008, at the above address. However he pleaded not guilty to assaulting his girlfriend, Geraldine Carr. The defendant’s father, Martin McElroy, withdrew a complaint of causing criminal damage to the sitting room door.

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Padraig Conneely to indulge his inner poet

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

While Labour TD Michael D Higgins is known as a very fine poet, the Mayor of Galway Cllr Padraig Conneely will be reciting verse and stanza for National Poetry Day.

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Healthy walk for World Heart Day on ‘Bofin

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

The Inishbofin island committee are organising a World Heart Day loop walk for the Irish Heart Foundation on Sunday next Oct 5.

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Chance for Galway businesses to interact with digital media minds

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

The Mathematics and Computing department at GMIT is inviting interested local businesses and the general public to a Digital Media (web based design) Open day to be held in the Digital Media Computer Centre at Cluann Mhuire.

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When did council first know about lead in the water asks Ó Brolcháin?

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

Claim and counterclaim has raged between City Hall and Green Cllr Niall Ó Brolcháin over when the Galway City Council first knew about lead exceedences in the water and when figures for those exceedences were released.

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Pub noise keeps language students awake, court hears

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

The owner of a language school has been losing business because excessive noise emanating from a late night bar next door has been disrupting students’ sleep, the Galway District Court heard this week after an objection was made to the renewal of a publican’s licence.

Objector to the seven day liquor licence, John Daly of 6 Ard na Coille, Maunsells Park, who owns an apartment at 1 Toon na Mara, Dock Road, and Thomas Patrick Sheridan, owner of Dock 8 Bar, at Niland House, 8 Dock Road, were both warned by Judge Mary Fahy to work together to find an adequate solution to the noise.

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The form of the city

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

I live in a village outside Moycullen, overlooking the lake. This is the best kind of place, far from perfect, as the best places are.

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Will the Lane pictures be the Queen’s gift to Ireland?

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

Ireland has every possibility of getting back the 39 controversial paintings, willed to the Irish people by art collector Sir Hugh Lane at the beginning of the 20th century, but which remain in London because the codicil to his will was not witnessed. “Hugh Lane’s intentions were absolutely clear”, the dynamic director of the Hugh Lane (formerly Dublin City) Gallery, Ms Barbara Dawson said in Coole last weekend, “there is no reason on earth why the paintings are not on Irish soil permanently.”

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Candidates doing the splits in Oranmore

Thu, Oct 02, 2008

The trouble with the Oranmore electoral area is that it divides into a number of distinct areas. The three candidates left representing the people are clustered around the northern end in Turloughmore, Annaghdown, and Claregalway. Leaving three distinct regions Carnmore to Cold wood, Oranmore/Maree, and Clarenbridge without any representation.

Mary Hoade could make this the worst or the best Fianna Fáil electoral area in the county. However she cannot make up her mind until Jim Cuddy decides whether he is in or out of politics or if he is in the Progressive Democrats or Fianna Fáil. He cannot decide any of these things until his political master Noel Grealish decides when to jump and who is allowed to hold onto his parachute.

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