Galway City Recycling Centre Christmas opening hours

The Galway City Council operates a recycling centre in the Liosbán Industrial Estate and over the Christmas period it will have slightly different opening hours.

The centre will be closed to the public on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and St Stephen’s Day. It will open again on Saturday December 27 from 9am to 1pm. It will be open from 2pm to 4pm from Monday December 29 to Wednesday 31.

The centre will be open to registered WEEE retailers from 8am to 11am from Monday 29 to Wednesday 31 and closed on New Year’s day. The standard hours after January 1 for the public will be from 2pm to 4pm from Mondays to Fridays and from 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. For registered WEEE retailers the hours are 8am to 11am from Mondays to Fridays.

The centre can be accessed via City Council Depot entrance. Householders can bring the following items to the recycling centre: glass (jars and bottles only ), clean clothes, cooking oil, engine oil, car and household batteries, light bulbs (fluorescent tubes and CFL bulbs only ), WEEE (domestic/household waste electronic, and electrical equipment ), large hard plastics (toys, basins, buckets, garden furniture, etc, ), waste metals (bicycles, buggies, toys, and small items ), and small timber items.

This facility is available free of charge to the public. For more information contact 091 - 536595.


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