Return of the Cox era on the cards?

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

When Margaret Cox failed in her bid to win a seat in Galway West in the 2007 General Election it looked as if the Cox era, which had dominated local politics for many years, was over.

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Could Galway produce a Barack Obama?

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Many of us never thought we would see the day when a black man would become president of the USA, but in the early hours of Wednesday morning, it happened.

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Enda Kenny to take his Town Hall roadshow to Galway

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

What they do in America, they sooner or later try here. The US presidential election some ‘town hall’ style debates between Barack Obama and John McCain - and now Fine Gael is going to try the format here.

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A tale of Padraig and Padraic

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Not since 1982 and the heady early days of the Garret FitzGerald led Fine Gael-Labour coalition, has Fine Gael won two seats in Galway West, but could a ticket of Padraic McCormack, Padraig Conneely, and Fidelma Healy Eames next time out do it?

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Fianna Fáil learns worth of Elton John’s view

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

No doubt Fianna Fáilers in Galway are pondering the lyrics of Elton John’s 1976 hit ‘Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word’, and finding them apt to their current situation.

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Galway welcomes Obama’s victory

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, Sen Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States of America and the first African-American to achieve this office. It is a day few thought would ever come.

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Obama victory - What does Galway think?

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Michael D Higgins

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Standúns new look department store a treasure trove this Christmas

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Standúns newly revamped department Store offers an exciting range of products and gifts to suit all ages.The Ladies’ and mens’ Departments stock international as well as Irish labels.

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Galway Africans set to celebrate at the Afro-Caribbean Party

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Galway’s African and Caribbean communities are set to hold a major celebration in the city to promote multiculturalism and integration in the region.

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Open day for transition year students at the French Institute

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Students in transition year are no doubt aware of the great opportunities that this year has to offer. As far as French is concerned, there is no better way to learn and appreciate the language than to spend some time in the country.

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Cases to help Enable Ireland with festive wine fair

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Cases Wine Warehouse on the Tuam Rd will host a Christmas Wine Fair in aid of Enable Ireland on Thursday November 13. Cases who are celebrating their first year in business have chosen Enable Ireland as their charity partner for the coming year.

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New screening service for macular degeneration in Salthill

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Salthill optician Andrea Concannon has set up a screening service for macular degeneration at her practice.

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Clothe a friend this Christmas

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Clothes make for a great Christmas gift if you know a particular outfit that someone wants, or else you know that person’s taste in clothes really well.

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Every car likes accessories

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

Car accessories are always useful, especially for people who are a little more than fond of their vehicles. It’s always safe to go for accessories that will fit every car, like fancy air fresheners, favourite music compilations to make journeys more pleasurable, or personalised key rings.

If air fresheners or key rings don’t appeal to you, go for something more serious. A DVD on how to avoid speeding fines is an idea, or flat style fancy wiper blades. Unattractive scratches on paintwork of vehicles are unavoidable over time. There are special scratch removers out there that get rid of scratches, small marks, and scuffs quickly and reliably from all colours of paint and all types of finishes including metallic. If your friend’s car has some scratches, this should make for a good gift.

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Show your creative side when shopping for artists

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

If you have friends with artistic souls and interests, consider enrolling them for a course in pottery, drawing, photography, etc. You might secretly think they have a big talent that is being wasted (and so might they!), but sometimes people just need a little push to do the right thing. They will thank you once they become famous artists!

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Make someone’s Christmas with a merry mobile

Thu, Nov 06, 2008

There is still a considerable number of people in this world who appreciate practical gifts. When you look for gifts for such people, it might be that little bit easier, but it definitely helps to know them to a certain extent. Of course if you’re really practical, you will find use for anything you get, but even if a gift is a functional one, it’s nice for it to be one we enjoy using as well.

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Galway councillors break ranks to condemn increases in class sizes

Thu, Oct 30, 2008

After feeling a fortnight of public ire, two Government councillors in Galway broke ranks to publicly to state their opposition to the highly controversial cuts to education proposed in the Budget.

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President McAleese visits Galway today

Thu, Oct 30, 2008

President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, will be out and about in Galway today for a series of engagements.

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Fahey proposes new scheme to re-ignite the housing market in Galway

Thu, Oct 30, 2008

Galway West TD Frank Fahey is proposing an initiative which he believes could kick-start the stagnant property market in Galway and provide first time buyers with affordable homes with little risk of loosing money in a time of falling prices.

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Science fun day at Galway Atlantaquaria

Thu, Oct 30, 2008

Galway Atlantaquaria, supported by the Marine Institute, will be holding a packed programme of events for Science Week Ireland.

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