Shifting Ground - new John Behan exhibition at Kenny’s

Art Reviews Wed, Oct 06, 2021

SHIFTING GROUND, the new exhibition of works in bronze, from the celebrated Irish sculptor, John Behan, opens tomorrow, Friday October 8, at the Kenny Gallery.

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Art reviews: Performaphilia and Conflict

Art Reviews Tue, May 22, 2018

ONE SIDE-EFFECT of Galway not having a municipal gallery is that exhibitions pop up in various venues and two current shows worth seeing are in the NUI Galway staffroom, which is hosting Áine Phillips’ Performaphilia, and the Black Gate Cultural Centre, where the group show, Conflict, is on display.

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Exhibition review: Mind Has Mountains

Art Reviews Wed, May 02, 2018

PRESENTED AS part of this year’s just-finished Cúirt International Festival of Literature, the fine group exhibition, Mind Has Mountains, is continuing at the Town Hall Theatre bar until the beginning of June and well merits a visit.

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Whimsy, satire, and surrealism

Art Reviews Tue, Nov 07, 2017

THERE ARE still a couple of days left to catch the wonderful work gathered for the inaugural Galway Cartoon Festival which now runs until Thursday November 9, having initially being scheduled to finish last Monday.

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TULCA offers plenty for any viewer to take pleasure in

Art Reviews Tue, Nov 07, 2017

The 15th TULCA Festival of Visual Art was officially launched at the Connacht Print Works last Friday and continues until November 19. The festival features 17 artists from Ireland and overseas, many of them presenting new work.

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Artistic delights for the eye

Art Reviews Tue, Sep 12, 2017

A WONDERFUL transatlantic group exhibition is currently running in the Salmon Weir gallery at Corrib Castle, Waterside – a building that has been superbly refurbished and designed by architects Patrick McCabe and Sarah Kelly, and offers stunning views over the Corrib and weir.

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The painted rhythms of life as it used to be

Art Reviews Wed, Aug 16, 2017

LAST SATURDAY afternoon the Town Hall Theatre bar hosted the opening of Timeless, a delightful exhibition of paintings by Kathy Ross, inspired by her locality of Coolreagh, near Tuam.

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Sex, wire, wood, junk and jollity

Art Reviews Tue, Jun 20, 2017

SCULPTURE AND sex, wire and wood, junk and jollity, all combine to lively and pleasurable effect in the Town Hall bar’s art exhibition by Margaret Nolan and James Fleming.

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Exhibition Review: Placing the Word (Dolores Lyne and Margaret Irwin, Black Gate)

Art Reviews Tue, May 09, 2017

PLACING THE Word, the art exhibition mounted as part of the Cúirt Festival programme, and featuring work by Galway artists Dolores Lyne and Margaret Irwin, continues at the Black Gate Cultural Centre, St Francis Street.

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Review: Exhibit B @ GIAF 2015

Art Reviews Wed, Jul 15, 2015

WHEN BRETT Bailey’s theatre installation show Exhibit B was controversially pulled from its scheduled run at London’s Barbican it was because protesters had argued that Bailey’s critique of 19th century ‘human zoos’ and racism was in itself racist, through his use of black actors silently enduring the audience gaze in a series of tableaux vivants.

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Exhibition review: TULCA

Art Reviews Thu, Nov 15, 2012

WHAT BECAME Of The People We Used To Be is the title and over-arching thematic question which informs this year’s TULCA visual arts festival which runs until November 23.

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