Artistic delights for the eye

Atlantic Crossings (Salmon Weir gallery)

A WONDERFUL transatlantic group exhibition is currently running in the Salmon Weir gallery at Corrib Castle, Waterside – a building that has been superbly refurbished and designed by architects Patrick McCabe and Sarah Kelly, and offers stunning views over the Corrib and weir.

With such fabulous views out of the gallery windows, it is a testament to the quality of the art on show that it rises to the visual challenge and also offers many delights for the eye. Six artists are represented in the show - Pat Byrne, Mia Stilwell-Hinchey, Margaret Nolan, Pierluigi Slis, Cristian Whitney, and John Coll.

Pat Byrne, originally from Detroit and with a background in zoology, shows warm, vibrant and lively paintings of birds and flowers and Galway scenes. Mia Stilwell-Hinchey is from Denver and her small abstract paintings exude the cheerful brightness of alluring dollops of ice cream. Margaret Nolan exhibits more pieces from her recent Rapture series of paintings and sculptures which raunchily revel in the joy of sex.


Artists Patricia Byrne, Nia Stilwel-Hinchey, margaret Nolan and Cristian Whitney at Atlantic Crossings Art Exhibition in Corrib Castle.

Pierluigi Slis hails from Venice and his collages of cut paintings, Terre Fragili, potently evoke the sense of our world in jeopardy. Cristian Whitney is another Denver artist and his exhibits comprise striking large portraits on canvas using mixed materials including industrial paint, spray paint and watercolour. Galway sculptor John Coll contributes four terrific stainless steel sculptures, two of which also incorporate welded bronze. My own favourite was that depicting a lobster whose raised antennae support a currach and its crew.

The Salmon Weir gallery is a ‘pop up’ venture and it’s envisaged that the premises will be let out in due course as office space or the like. It is an exceptional building and location and there will surely be no shortage of interested parties keen to move in. In the meantime, Atlantic Crossings is open from 12 noon to 6pm each day until Sunday September 24.


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