Burglaries and thefts across the city

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

Gardai are investigating a number of vehicle thefts and burglaries which took place over the last week. On Tuesday October 27 a burglary occurred overnight at the Oasis Takeaway in Corrundulla, where a substantial amount of cash was taken. Gardai in Corrundulla would like any people who may have seen any unusual activity to contact them on 091 791122.

A house was broken into in the Laurel Park area of Newcastle last Wednesday October 28, between midnight and 2am resulting in several laptops being stolen. On the same day a white Mercedes van registration 03 G 9741 was also stolen from the Renmore area.

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Scheme promotes smoke alarms for the vulnerable

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

More than 600 homes in Galway are set to receive free smoke alarms in this year’s Community Smoke Alarm Scheme.

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Paul Reynolds to address NUIG Law Society

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

RTÉ crime correspondent Paul Reynolds will address a public meeting in NUIG next week where he will look at the issue of organised crime in modern Ireland.

The meeting takes place in the Cairnes Theatre next Wednesday at 8pm and is being organised by the NUI Galway Law Society. Mr Reynolds will be discussing the problems of organised crime, giving his own insights and opinions, and answering questions from the audience.

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The fall of the Berlin Wall

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

On August 13 1961, people in the Allied sector of Berlin awoke to find their part of the city completely surrounded by barbed wire. Within days construction began on a large edifice the world would soon know as The Berlin Wall.

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NUIG to mark anniversary of Berlin Wall

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

On November 9 1989 the Berlin Wall fell. It was a momentous event, not only for Germany, but for Europe as it marked the collapse of Communism.

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Moycullen Country Market receives award

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

Moycullen’s Country Market has been given the official stamp of approval by the Government.

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Student has to learn a lesson says judge

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

A student who over-indulged in drink when he tasted the freedom of college was taught a lesson at Galway District Court this week when he was fined €500 for violently resisting arrest and was ordered to pay a further €500 in compensation for the injuries sustained by a garda.

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Teenaged father given ten months for handling stolen phones

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

A teenaged father was given no more chances at Galway District Court this week when he was given 10 months’ detention for handling stolen property and failing to appear.

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Vandals set fire to car

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

In the early hours of Saturday morning a group of three youths set fire to a car on Cross street in Athenry resulting in damage to a shop front. The incident occured between 5am and 5.30 am involving three males in their twenties wearing hoodies. The men are believed to have left the scene in a red Opel Corsa. Gardai are appealing to anyone who may have seen these men, a car matching this description, or were in the area around this time to contact them on 091 844016

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Galway arts venues tempt audiences to take their seats

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

Theatre and music lovers will be looking forward to Take Your Seat week, from November 9 to 14, which will include discounted tickets and promotional offers for venues across the county including the Town Hall Theatre.

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NUIG to host Olive Loughnane

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

World silver medallist and Olympian walker Olive Loughnane will be speaking at a special reception in NUIG next week.

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Annual fundraiser for Galway Mountain Rescue

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

Galway Mountain Rescue Team will be on the streets of Galway this Saturday for its annual fundraising collection. Members of the team will be on Shop Street and in the Galway Shopping Centre on the Headford Road throughout the day. Ronan Concannon, team leader, says it takes approximately €30,000 per year to run the team covering costs such as insurance, transport, and rescue and safety equipment. Much of this has to be raised by the team itself and often members have to cover their own costs associated with callouts and training. He said that the annual bucket collection is hugely important to the team in terms of fundraising and that they get a fantastic response from the people of Galway every year.

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Druid takes Irish play on biggest world tour

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

Druid Theatre is currently undertaking the biggest tour of an Irish play in the history of modern theatre, as it is touring Enda Walsh’s The Walworth Farce across six countries and 16 cities.

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Galway company in new medical device deal

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

Galway company Vysera Biomedical Limited has announced a new agreement with Merit Medical Systems Inc, a leading manufacturer and marketer of medical devices used primarily in cardiology, radiology, and gastroenterology procedures.

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Information meeting for fathers

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

A special information meeting for stay-at-home fathers who find themselves more involved with raising their families will be held in Galway on November 17.

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Science week begins with family fun day

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

Galway will once again host the opening event of Science Week Ireland, in conjunction with the Marine Institute, and Galway Atlantaquaria.

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Headford Musical Society table quiz

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

The Headford Musical Society is holding a table quiz tomorrow at 8.30om in the Anglers Rest.

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The joke is on us

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

Remember the joke ‘What’s the difference between Iceland and Ireland? One letter and six months!’ Oh how Insider wishes that had been true.

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Cowen asleep on the job

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

A good friend of mine is currently reading Pat Leahy’s Showtime - The Inside Story Of Fianna Fáil In Power and sent me a quote from it which he found noteworthy.

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Has Grealish signalled he is ready to move?

Thu, Nov 05, 2009

In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche put forward his idea of eternal recurrence, a concept which posits that all lives and events will continue to recur in a similar form infinitely.

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