Demand for empathy at all-time high as country lurches into another scandal

Thu, May 31, 2018

The empathy of the Irish people has been tested over the past few days, weeks, months.

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Ballinasloe residents and businesses asked to conserve water

Thu, May 31, 2018

Irish Water, working in partnership with Galway County Council, is appealing to households and businesses on the Ballinasloe Regional Water Supply Scheme to conserve water for the foreseeable future, as demand on the scheme has increased by more than 40 per cent in recent days.

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NUI Galway launches Ireland Illustrated Online - charting two centuries of travel in Ireland

Thu, May 31, 2018

How was Ireland depicted in illustrations of the country produced by travellers in the period from 1680 to 1860? A new database of images drawn from travel accounts answers this question. Based on years of research by a group of investigators at NUI Galway led by Professor Jane Conroy, Ireland Illustrated is now available to view online.

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Bilingual lunchtime summer concert series

Thu, May 31, 2018

A NEW series of lunchtime concerts at An Taibhdhearc, entitled CAN, and featuring songs from the west of Ireland, sung as Gaeilge agus as Bearla, starts on Wednesday June 6.

Deirbhile Ní Bhrolcain will present with guest singers including Aine Sheridan (harp and vocals), Anne Kirrane (vocals and concertina), and Steve Johnston (vocals/guitar). There will be sean nós singing, and poems by Raftery and Yeats put to music, and an opportunity for the audience to participate and learn songs if they wish.

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Pro-life community must continue its work, says Mullen

Thu, May 31, 2018

‘No’ voters upset about the outcome of last Friday’s referendum should perhaps think about what would have happened if things had gone the other way.

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Corrib Park infill developments threaten facilities, warns Crowe

Thu, May 31, 2018

Plans to create greater density in housing estates like Corrib Park, Carn Ard, Ballinfoyle Park, and Castle Park, will “jeopardise” community and recreational facilities in those areas and fail to solve traffic and safety problems.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil city councillor Ollie Crowe, who has condemned plans by the Galway City Council to develop 23 houses across the four estates. Under a current Government Directive on Housing, the council has been told to identify land in existing estates where further infill development can take place. A design team and plans are currently being advanced to commence development. Infill development is the process of developing vacant or under-used parcels within existing urban areas which are already largely developed.

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Yes victory marks ‘a change for a better future’ says Galway Together For Yes

Thu, May 31, 2018

The Irish people’s decision to repeal the Eighth Amendment from the Constitution has been described by Galway Together for Yes as “incredibly welcome”, and the group has thanked “all our campaigners, supporters, and volunteers for their amazing work over the past few months”.

In a statement this week, Galway Together For Yes said: “The commitment, love, and care shown by you all, and the endorsement from the Irish public, has been outstanding. As a campaign crossing so many different groups in civil society as well as political groups, we are incredibly proud of what has been achieved. To those working every day in the office, organising and battling for us, a huge thank you, in particular to Imelda, Saoirse, Lorraine, and Dette. Also to our spokespeople, well done and thank you for your work.”

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Demonstration on CervicalCheck controversy to take place in Eyre Square

Wed, May 30, 2018

Demonstrations to demand the Government takes action on the CervicalCheck controversy will take place throughout Ireland today, including in Eyre Square with a rally at 5pm.

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City council announces Local Community Festivals Grant Awards Scheme 2018

Tue, May 29, 2018

Local organisations throughout Galway city planning events in their areas in the coming months may be eligible for funding under the Galway City Council's Local Community Festivals Grant Awards Scheme 2018.

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City sewers to get major €2 million upgrade in massive year-long project

Thu, May 24, 2018

Major upgrade works are to take place on the William Street, Shop Street, High Street, Cross Street, Augustine Street, and Flood Street sewers, to tackle storm water overflows, odour issues, and sewer flooding. Work will start on the massive project later this summer.

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'It hit me then, I would not be coming home next February with a little newborn'

Thu, May 24, 2018

In May 2014, my husband and I were delighted to be expecting our second baby. Like most women trying to get pregnant I had been taking my folic acid and on getting a positive test I stopped drinking alcohol and booked an appointment with my GP. She confirmed the pregnancy and we went about organising my pre-natal care. She was thrilled for me too as she knew we wanted another child as our little girl would be three the following September.

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Vote Yes for compassion, care, and change

Thu, May 24, 2018

Tomorrow we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to vote to remove the Eighth Amendment from the Constitution. At this point, we have all seen the posters and viral videos; we have received leaflets; and had conversations with friends and strangers. Tomorrow, it will be time to vote. If you have not yet decided how you will vote, I urge you to vote Yes. Let me explain why.

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Please vote No to discrimination

Thu, May 24, 2018

The ballot paper asks us: do you approve of the proposal to amend the Constitution contained in the 36th Amendment of the Constitution Bill?

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What is this Referendum really about?

Thu, May 24, 2018

As we prepare to vote tomorrow, I think it’s important to reflect on what this referendum is and is not about.

This referendum is not about whether Ireland has abortion. It does. Every month at least nine women leave Galway to travel to the UK and many others order what they hope are abortion pills online and take them alone in bedrooms or bathrooms.

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Why it's important that men vote tomorrow

Thu, May 24, 2018

Tomorrow, thousands of people across Ireland will vote for the very first time on the machinations of the Eighth Amendment. I was not born when it was inserted into the Constitution; was too young to vote on referenda in the 1990s in relation to access to abortion information or travelling to the UK; a lot of us were even too young to vote in 2002 when an attempt to restrict abortion access even further was defeated.

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We have to vote No to protect the unborn

Thu, May 24, 2018

Abortion can be a very difficult issue to discuss, and we all have a responsibility to be sensitive in the language we use in this debate, so as not to add to the pain which many have experienced.

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Referendum is about abortion on demand, says Galway For Life

Thu, May 24, 2018

Tomorrow Friday (May 25) the Irish people will vote in the mosti mportant referendum in a generation.

Despite the impression given bypro-abortion campaigners, this is not a referendum about allowing abortion in limited circumstances, it is about introducing abortion on demand into Ireland.

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Ireland's role in America's middle-east military adventures

Thu, May 24, 2018

Irish Special Forces (the Army Ranger Wing) operated in Western-occupied Afghanistan under NATO command, it was revealed last month, thanks to TD Clare Daly’s parliamentary question. The story received no media coverage. The operational purpose of these troops was not revealed. However, like Special Forces the world over, it was not pencils they were sharpening.

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Foróige summer programme

Thu, May 24, 2018

Foróige's Leadership For Life programme for 15 to 18-year-olds is running in the Galway City Youth Café, Fairgreen Road, from July 17 to 20.

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If we do not vote Yes the Abortion pill penalty of '14 years in jail' remains

Thu, May 24, 2018

On Monday the Minister for Health Simon Harris reaffirmed that the penalty for taking abortion pills will remain at 14 years' imprisonment unless there is a Yes vote in tomorrow's referendum on the Eighth Amendment.

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