VAT on carbon tax is 'a tax upon a tax' warns Farrell

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Any hike in the current rate of carbon tax will attract VAT resulting in citizens paying 'a tax upon a tax', Sinn Féin Galway City East councillor Mairéad Farrell has warned.

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O’Reilly demands ‘climate emergency’ be declared in Galway

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Flooding in Salthill and the city centre is becoming normal. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent “sending all the might of the Atlantic against us”. It is time to declare a “climate emergency in Galway”.

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Facebook chief warned of need to protect children online

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Protecting children online has been raised as an issue of critical importance with Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg by Fine Gael TD Hildegarde Naughton.

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Connolly calls for earlier weekend bus times for two of city’s busiest routes

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Two bus routes serving the Knocknacarra/Rahoon area should have earlier start times on Saturday and Sunday mornings to bring them into line with other similar city services.

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Galway 2020 opens call for round two of Small Towns Big Ideas programme

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Galway 2020 has opened round two of its call to communities to develop a project for the cultural programme of Galway 2020, with funding of €200,000 available to the successful community groups.

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Does FF have the hunger to expand its voting base and win new seats?

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

With a general election expected in the coming months, there is much frenzied speculation about the prospects of the various parties across the constituencies. A curious feature of the discussions of Galway West is how little Fianna Fáil features in the conversation.

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Students get up close with sharks

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Students from Rang 2, Scoil Shéamais Naofa, Bearna, got up close and personal with sharks on the RV Celtic Explorer as part of the Marine Institute’s outreach and engagement programme.

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Crowley calls for dedicated west to east express bus route

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

A direct express bus service from the city’s western suburbs to the eastern industrial estates would offer commuters both a proper public transport option and a solution to reduce traffic efficiently.

This is the view of Social Democrats Galway City West candidate John Crowley, who pointed out that traffic congestion has reached its highest levels to date in Galway city, pointing to the 2016 census which shows that 18,308 Galwegians commute to work by car, as opposed to 2,577 by bus and 1,898 by bike.

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So you fancy being a Ros na Rún star?

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Due to high interest in auditions for the new cast of Ros na Rún, TG4’s Irish language drama, more auditions will be held at the end of April

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Loughnane calls for new approach to littering

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

With only 45 per cent of litter fines being paid last year, the Galway City Council needs to move away from a punative approach towards one which addresses the causes of littering.

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Green candidate demands more bus shelters

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

People waiting for buses at stops with no shelter are undergoing a “cruel punishment”, with the lack of bus shelters in the city “discouraging” use of public transport.

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Raise the Roof Housing Campaign to stage major rally in Galway

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Trade unions, political parties, women’s groups, student unions, housing agencies and community groups have joined forces in Galway to stage a major rally on the housing emergency, this Monday April 8.

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Cuddy welcomes repairs of water pipes along Tuam Road

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Recurring problems with burst pipes that have caused several water outages for homes and businesses on the outskirts of the city and along the Tuam Road area, are finally set to be tackled and solved.

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Countdown to Croke Park begins for Galway’s enterprising students

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Teenage entrepreneurs from Dunmore, Inverin and Kinvara will represent Galway at the Student Enterprise Programme national final.

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Fear of another South Galway flood is like holding a ticking time bomb

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

It has now been over three years since South Galway got ravaged by severe flooding events and there is a growing concern amongst residents in the area that the delays in flood relief solutions will increase risk of them suffering a major flood event again.

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Popular councillor opts out of county councillor election to focus on medical recovery

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

Fine Gael councillor Frank Kearney has announced that he is withdrawing from next month’s council elections to focus on his medical recovery.

Last year, the popular Lackagh-based councillor was diagnosed with serious illness and underwent a series of chemotherapy sessions.

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Woman who ‘unlocks’ people’s educational potential to run for Fianna Fail in local elections

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

The deputy leader of the Fianna Fail party has urged people to vote in the local elections for a woman who has spent her lifetime unlocking the educational potential of hundreds of people.

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Passing of colourful councillor marks the end of an era

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

When I first started covering local council meetings here in Galway city and county, there were a lot of serious players on board. Heavy hitters who as soon as a meeting was over, would head to Dublin to make or take decisions in a higher forum. They looked and sounded serious. They were like Abbey repertoire actors let loose on touring the carnival tents and halls of rural Ireland. They knew how to play to the gallery and how to ensure their survival in an animalistic political arena. It was in the chambers of the councils that they fine-tuned their roar for the national stage.

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Seán Bán Breathnach — a pioneer of the culture of cráic

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

When historians try to source the creators of the culture of craic that is associated with Galway, they will surely hover for a considerable while over the name of Seán Bán Breathnach.

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Waiting list for autism services continues to grow

Thu, Apr 04, 2019

A local TD has highlighted the urgent need to implement the recommendations of a recent report on services for children and adults with autism spectrum disorder.

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