Mayor Cubbard condemns RIC commemoration as 'disingenuous'

Tue, Jan 07, 2020

It makes no sense for the State and the Government to commemorate an organisation which sought to prevent an Irish state and Government from coming into existence, especially an organisation of which the notorious Black and Tans were a part.

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Sustainable Brands

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

There’s a rising trend in ethical and sustainable brands that combine quality, style, and a long-term view of their impact on the planet.

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Arts Council awards funding to four Galway visual artists’ studios

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

The Arts Council this week announced the Galway recipients of the 2020 Visual Artists Workspace Scheme.

The four recipients are Artspace Studios Ltd which receives €24,000; Engage Art Studios, which receives €20,000; Interface Galway which receives €8,000; and 126 Artist-Run Gallery which receives €2,000.

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Green candidate to launch General Election campaign

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

The official launch of Roscommon-Galway Green Party representative Julie O’ Donoghue’s General Election campaign will take place on Sunday January 12 at 4pm in JJ Harlow’s Bar, Roscommon.

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Canney approves law that sees eighty two rivers open for salmon/sea trout angling

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

Seán Canney TD, Minister with responsibility for the Inland Fisheries sector has approved legislation that will govern the wild salmon and sea trout fisheries in 2020 and which came into affect yesterday (January 1)

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Modh Eile and Meals4Health — highlights of COPE Galway’s year

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

A most welcome development in 2019 was the construction work on our new state of the art domestic abuse facility, Modh Eile House, which took place throughout the year. The building will be ready to occupy in January 2020, when we will have more room and enhanced facilities in a building that is now suitable for women and their children to build a new future for themselves.

We secured funding from a generous donor through The Ireland Funds, which will support us in developing our child-centred domestic abuse service. We also received increased funding from Tusla to provide outreach support services in county Galway for the one in five women and their children who experience this terrible form of abuse. We continue to offer support, advice and guidance, and hope to empower women to chart “another way” (in the spirit of the meaning of Modh Eile - Irish for ‘another way’) for themselves and their children.

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Hundreds brave the cold for thirtieth COPE Galway swim

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

Hundreds of swimmers and thousands of supporters thronged the steps of Blackrock in Salthill to support the 30th annual Christmas Day Swim in aid of COPE Galway’s services for people experiencing homelessness, domestic abuse; and for the provision services for older people in Galway.

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Decade ends with return to falling house prices

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

Property prices in Galway City in the final quarter of 2019 were less than one per cent lower than a year previously, compared to a rise of six per cent seen a year ago. The average house price is now €290,000, 81 per cent above its lowest point. In the rest of Galway, prices in the final quarter of 2019 were 1 per cent lower than a year previously, compared to a rise of seven per cent seen a year ago.

The average house price is now €196,000, 55 per cent above its lowest point.In Ireland housing prices fell by 1.2 per cent during 2019, the first calendar year recording a fall in prices since 2012, according to the latest sales report released this week by a national property website.

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US abortion ‘Protest Priest’ returning to Galway for more pro-life activism

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

Fr Stephen Imbarrato, the US pro-life activist Catholic priest whose exorcism outside an abortion clinic near Dublin attracted widespread international media coverage, is planning to return to Ireland in February and to include Galway during his time here.

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advertiser In brief...

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

Progress for Craughwell national school
Craughwell National School’s extension project will be submitted to the Department of Education for approval in early January, Galway East TD and Minister for Rural Affairs Seán Canney has reported.

Craughwell National School’s extension project will be submitted to the Department of Education for approval in early January, Galway East TD and Minister for Rural Affairs Seán Canney has reported.

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Local man’s company to promote Galway city and county on 6,300 airplanes

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

InflightFlix International, the Irish provider of destination video guides to the airline industry is to distribute its destination video guides promoting great Ireland experiences, which includes Galway city and county, to the inflight entertainment companies of all 29 airlines with Inflight Entertainment that fly to Ireland.

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€4m funding for Ballinderreen to Kinvara realignment boost tourism, says Cannon

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

An East Galway TD has welcomed the allocation of €4m for 2020 for the Ballinderreen to Kinvara realignment Phase 2.

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Galway’s year as Capital of Culture has begun

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

The time has arrived, Galway is now the European Capital of Culture. Midnight on Tuesday kicked off a year of over 1,900 events across 154 projects, with local, national, European and international artists and cultural organisations, in the villages, towns, islands and city of Galway.

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Galway can’t waste another decade of indecision

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

Galway is great craic. Mighty craic. You can depend on Galway to give you what you want. A mighty place to go for the weekend. With the lads, and the girls. Jaysis, a place we can eat and drink and dance all night... And eat chips, clip clopping over the pebble stones or the medieval tarmac that lines the streets of our city and stagger back to the Airbnb sated. Galway is like that friend we all have who is always laughing and smiling. Even when he shouldn’t. The one you never take seriously because he is always smiling and laughing and having the craic.

But is this all we want Galway to be? In 100 years time, do we want Galway to have had a century of just being that sort of place, where the attraction of hen parties and stag parties is our core objective? Is that all we can achieve with the enormous potential of the place laid out before our eyes; a town which sits on the lip of the Atlantic, on the edge of Europe, with its face washed by the spray of the bay. Its attraction built on its possibilities rather than its realities.

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More than a third of ED patients last year were medical card holders

Thu, Jan 02, 2020

A total of 75,413 patients attended the emergency department of University Hospital Galway in the past year. Of these 71,230 were new patients while 4,183 were review patients. Some 21,324 were medical card patients.

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Galway named as top foodie destination for 2020

Wed, Jan 01, 2020

BBC Good Food Magazine has named Galway as its top destination for foodies in 2020. The city made it to the top of the annual list as it prepares to embark on a year-long European Capital of Culture 2020 programme, with food culture playing a major part of the planned events.

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Help prevent the spread of flu

Wed, Jan 01, 2020

The HSE is urging the public to help prevent the spread of flu and norovirus (the contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhoea) by avoiding hospitals and GP surgeries so as not to infect others who may be already unwell.

Dr Aine McNamara, a specialist in public health medicine, says what we call weather illnesses such as colds, sore throats, coughs and such like, are viral, self-limiting illnesses and can be treated with fluids and analgesia (painkillers). Most of these mild illnesses are viral and can be treated by yourself at home.

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Fantasy Football round 21 preview

Tue, Dec 31, 2019

The final whistle at the Etihad Stadium also brought the conclusion of December which means it is time to the name the Advertiser Tribal League's Manager of the Month in association with Monroe's Tavern.

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GMIT and Marine Institute study shows pollutants in stranded killer whales

Thu, Dec 26, 2019

Killer whales are an iconic species in the world’s oceans. They are also at the top of the food chain and able to concentrate persistent pollutants to very high levels, a new study carried out by GMIT and the Marine Institute shows.

The study, published in the Marine Pollution Bulletin, has shown levels of persistent pollutants in four stranded killer whales are very high and may exceed the toxicity threshold which can lead to significant health effects. The role that high concentrations of persistent pollutants may have played in their possible cause of death is not known.

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Ireland West Airport staff raise €41,000 for three Irish charities in 2019

Thu, Dec 26, 2019

Ireland West Airport staff were delighted this week to present a cheque for €41,395 to the airport’s three staff nominated charities for 2019 – Croí, Hope House and The Jack and Jill Foundation.

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