Saolta draws up ‘surge plan’ as ICU occupancy doubles

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

Saolta has drawn up a “surge plan” to meet the challenges expected to face the health service as the pandemic peaks - the HSE believes this will take place within the coming days and week. This will see a field hospital at the Bailey Allen Hall at NUI Galway and a self-isolation centre at the Connacht Hotel.

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Medical equipment found dumped on street in Newcastle

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

Illegal dumping has spiked in the two weeks since the coronavirus lockdown was imposed, but the most shocking incident yet items of medical equipment found dumped close to UHG.

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Lockdown views: Sarah Perry

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"I am looking forward to travelling more with family and friends when lockdown is over and restrictions have been lifted. The lockdown has made me realise that life is short and that no one is invincible. I took life and its length, for granted up until this point because of my young age. I've now been shocked back into reality because of this virus.

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Lockdown views: Sinead Cassidy

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"I am looking forward to reunions with loved ones. It’s going to be pretty special when grand-parents get reunited with their much loved grandchildren (my own parents can’t wait to cuddle my son Seán, who they’ve been missing these last few weeks). I feel for older people in our communities during these times who love a bit of company, security, and social interaction. I’m looking forward to seeing families reconnect and out and about again.

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Lockdown views: Ken Glennon

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"Being able to daydream about and plan trips are something I’m looking forward to doing after the lockdown. I was supposed to be in London last week visiting my sister and going to see two shows with her in the West End. A friend and I were considering a visit to Naples and Palermo earlier this year and thought May would be an ideal time to visit. Looking forward to mini adventures abroad with friends and family.

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Lockdown views: Aisleen Clarke

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"I am looking forward to visiting family and friends. I miss my little nephews (aged one and four) and my parents. I’d be hiking up Croagh Patrick in the good weather with my parents and I miss being able to call into them. I’m looking forward to going out on my motorbike, going dancing, hitting the gym, and getting back to my pole dancing classes, and gymnastics.

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Lockdown views: Lisa Regan

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"For me it is the lack of freedom of movement, which I never even considered before. Not being allowed to go and do things I want to do has been a challenge and a massive wake up call to just how lucky we all are living here in Galway.

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Lockdown views: Eamonn Fitzgerald

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"This pandemic hasn’t altered my daily life routines too much. It’s just harder to do my job. I still get up every day and go to work. I still deal with customers, but now at a social distance. I still look forward to my days off.

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Lockdown views: Kieran O'Malley

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"I’m really looking forward to seeing my family first of all, and then getting back into my routine. Like most people the lack of sport has been a massive void both watching and playing so I can’t wait to get back to the local and enjoy a great game with a nice cold pint. There seems to be a very positive sentiment towards supporting local business once this ends so I will be supporting as many fantastic Galway businesses as possible once they reopen. Another thing that I’ve missed more than I realised is hugs so my friends and family particularly my two nephews are in for loads when it's safe to do so again.

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Lockdown views: Adrian Holmes

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"I am looking forward to the simple things like going back out to a restaurant, getting a coffee in a café and sitting down, and getting back to the gym. Home workouts and homemade coffee are great, but you can only do so much. I can’t wait to book a holiday and look forward to travelling again and if anything, all that has happened makes me want to see the world even more.

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Lockdown views: Mayor Mike Cubbard

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"I plan on catching up with family and friends; we don't realise how much we rely on social interaction with them until it is gone. I look forward to enjoying the simple things in life such as playing football with the children in the park, walking the prom, etc, stuff we possibly took for granted prior to Covid-19.

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Lockdown views: Aisling Phelan

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"We are looking forward to introducing our newest addition to her Granny and Grandad in Kilkenny and aunts and uncles in Dublin, Kildare, and Kilkenny, to going out for a belated Mother’s Day lunch with my parents, and meeting friends.

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Covid-19 shows business can support remote working, says Hanley

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

Many of the measures being taken by institutions and businesses to ensure work continues are measures disability advocates have been requesting for years, and such measures should be retained once the Covid-19 pandemic has passed.

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Lockdown views: Aisling McCann

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"I am really looking forward to going home to Mayo to see my parents and brother with my husband and daughters and also celebrating birthdays not via Facetime but in person. To pass the time during lockdown, I am cleaning the house and baking with the oldest. The youngest turned two yesterday. We are lucky we have a trampoline out in the garden and so we have been out there as often as possible. I have been getting out for daily walks as well on my own.

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Sinn Féin to hold online Easter Rising commemoration

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

Normally, 1916 Rising commemorations would be held in Galway City, Oranmore, Clifden, Ballinasloe, and other areas of the county over the Easter weekend, but the coronavirus lockdown has forced these to go online.

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Lockdown views: John O'Connor

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

"Things I'm missing right now; sitting outside Garavans with a tea and watching the world go by; going for a root around the stacks in Charlie Byrnes; and talking records with Paul in Bell Book & Candle.

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Farrell 'concerned' by lack of oversight over non-compliant business activity during lockdown

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

The lack of oversight on non-compliant business activity during the coronavirus lockdown is "very concerning", and the current guidelines are "wholly inadequate".

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Concerns raised over lack of detail around extra beds for Direct Provision centres

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

An extra 650 beds for the two direct provision centres in Galway City, to assist with social distancing in those centres is a welcome move, but the "absence of detail is worrying".

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Government must secure domestic production line for PPE, says Farrell

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

The Government must "immediately secure" a domestic production line for Personnnel Protective Equipment for frontline healthcare workers.

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Clarity needed on Government's financial package being offered to student nurses

Thu, Apr 09, 2020

The Government must clarify its position on the financial package to be offered to student nurses who have been re-called for placement in hospitals throughout the State.

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