Galway passes out Cork to become second most expensive rental location

Wed, Dec 23, 2020

In new figures released by the Rental Tenancy Board, renting in Galway now ranks at an average of €1,269 per month. This means that for the first time ever, Galway City rents are on average above Cork City which stands at €1,220 per month.

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Samaritans in Galway are there for you throughout this Christmas

Wed, Dec 23, 2020

Samaritans in Galway are reminding those in need, that their helpline will be open during their darkest hours, if they are lonely or struggling to cope this Christmas.

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Local frontline workers ask public to be compliant

Wed, Dec 23, 2020

Complacency is the biggest enemy in the battle against the Covid-19 virus and it is important that people are on their guard and remain compliant in the run-up to Christmas, a nursing union official said this week.

Anne Burke, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation’s industrial relations officer in the west, said we are entering a “very tricky” period in relation to the virus and her union members are appealing to the public to be vigilant.

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Out-of-hours community mental health café opens in Galway

Wed, Dec 23, 2020

An out-of-hours free adult mental health service has opened across the road from University Hospital Galway.

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Think, before you put loved ones’ health at risk, urges HSE West’s public health director

Wed, Dec 23, 2020

If you take a health risk in the run-up up to Christmas then you are putting anyone you meet during the festive season in danger.

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Two wards closed at UHG due to Covid outbreak

Wed, Dec 23, 2020

Two wards at the west’s biggest hospital remain closed to new admissions this week due to an outbreak of Covid-19.

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Channel Mechanics staff clock up the distance for Cancer Care West

Wed, Dec 23, 2020

Oranmore software company, Channel Mechanics were delighted to have Cancer Care West visit the office for a presentation to the charity of €10,801. The presentation cheque being the result of a Channel Mechanics Charity fundraiser which saw the company clock up just over 4,050 kms along with their “Donate a Day” event.

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Keeping open over Christmas — University Late Night Pharmacy

Wed, Dec 23, 2020

When we look back at 2020 in years to come, our thoughts will of course linger on facemasks, hand sanitiser, and social distancing, that year when singing Happy Birthday took on a new meaning for us all. While times have been tough, especially during the first lock-down, University Late Night Pharmacy has been fortunate to maintain their extended opening hours when other pharmacies have had to reduce.

“We are very lucky to have a team of pharmacists, technicians, and front of pharmacy staff who between us, like so many essential workers, have managed to work through the pandemic so far,” says Dr. Audrey Kinahan, Pharmacist. “I must acknowledge our great team who, despite the challenges of new protocols and guidelines coming nearly every week, have really bonded, and worked together to ensure a safe and caring environment in the pharmacy”.

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Keep your eye on the prize but look after the little things this Christmas

Wed, Dec 23, 2020

Look after the little things in life. Because one day the time will come when you realise they are the big things.

And there is no better time to find this out than at this time of the year. And no better year than the beast of a year we have just had.

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Mayor to lead frontline appreciation convoy on Tuesday evening.

Mon, Dec 21, 2020

“2020 has seen our frontline workers do trojan work around the clock in the most stressful of circumstances.

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As EU prepares for same-day vaccine launch, Saolta chief warns against misinformation

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

The chief executive of the Saolta University Health Care Group, which runs the local public hospitals, has appealed to people to rely on trusted, responsible sources for information on the Covid-19 vaccine.

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Farrell calls for review of ban on music and dancing at weddings

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

The "mean-spirited" ban on music and dancing at weddings urgent try needs to be reviewed by the Government, according to Sinn Féin Galway West TD, Mairead Farrell.

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Residents associations to receive amenity grants from council

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

Resident associations who applied for the amenity grant in 2020 will have their application processed and grants paid over coming weeks, the Galway City Council has confirmed.

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Grealish demands major overhaul for Barna sewerage plant

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

Sewer trucks, having to take away excess water "at all hours of the day and night" from the "overworked" Barna sewerage plant, has highlighted the need for the plant to be given a major overhaul.

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Galway-based booking app ready to support Covid-19 national vaccination rollout

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

‘OK Who’s Next?’, a Galway-based Enterprise Ireland-supported business, has announced that it is placed to immediately support pharmacies and health centres in the Covid-19 vaccination rollout with its online app-based appointment booking platform.

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Plan needed to protect Cave village from flooding, says Grealish

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

Concerns have been raised at a high level for a south Galway village on the shores of Galway Bay, which is threatened by regular flooding, damaging homes, and with tidal waters cutting off the village from the surrounding area.

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Two Galway schools pioneer new safe space initiative for LGBTI+ students

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

Merlin College and Coláiste Bhaile Chláir have become the first schools in Galway to sign up to participate in a new initiative aimed at creating a school environment fully inclusive of LGBTI+ students.

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Salthill laneway gets new surface and lights

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

The laneway between Oaklands and Monksfield is being resurfaced, while ducting for lights along the routs are also set to be installed.

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Traffic calming measures installed on Castlepark Road

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

The introduction of digital speed calming measures on Castlepark Road should help deter the problem of vehicles travelling at high speeds along this road.

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Galway City Council launches nature photography competition for young people

Thu, Dec 17, 2020

It has been a strange year for the children and young people of Galway. They have been through lockdowns, have missed hanging out with their friends and watched on as their world was turned upside down. However, one positive development has been the huge increase in the number of young people discovering their local green and blue spaces in Galway City.

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