Keeping open over Christmas — University Late Night Pharmacy

When we look back at 2020 in years to come, our thoughts will of course linger on facemasks, hand sanitiser, and social distancing, that year when singing Happy Birthday took on a new meaning for us all. While times have been tough, especially during the first lock-down, University Late Night Pharmacy has been fortunate to maintain their extended opening hours when other pharmacies have had to reduce.

“We are very lucky to have a team of pharmacists, technicians, and front of pharmacy staff who between us, like so many essential workers, have managed to work through the pandemic so far,” says Dr. Audrey Kinahan, Pharmacist. “I must acknowledge our great team who, despite the challenges of new protocols and guidelines coming nearly every week, have really bonded, and worked together to ensure a safe and caring environment in the pharmacy”.

For the year ahead the challenge is to continue to work safely for our staff and our patients. “I want to thank our customers for their loyalty and their kind words, cards and gifts”, said Audrey. “It means a lot to us as we have tried to keep going, we really are always here to help.”

In this spirit, members of the pharmacy team will continue to work throughout this Christmas, opening on St Stephen’s Day to look after their customers’ needs. With adjacent parking reserved for customers, you can rest assured that the team at University Late Night Pharmacy will do their best to take care of you in the year ahead.


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