Discover three inspirational women for International Women's Day

Mon, Mar 08, 2021

To celebrate International Women's Day today, Monday 8th of March 2021, we have asked two of The Galway Advertiser's international female staff to nominate inspirational women from their home country. Discover why Galway Advertiser Sports Editor Linley MacKenzie and Galway Advertiser Digital Marketing Executive Charlotte Haffner chose Neroli Fairhall, Kiri Te Kanawa and Simone Veil.

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20 new jobs as e-scooter manufacturer Bolt comes to Galway

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

Bolt, the leading European mobility platform focused on making urban travel more affordable, convenient and sustainable, has announced its intention to bring its e-scooters to Galway as part of an integrated transport system.

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Cannon welcomes plans for major investment in Coole Park Visitor Centre

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

Fine Gael Deputy Ciaran Cannon has welcomed a commitment by Failte Ireland and the National Parks and Wildlife Service to make a major investment in upgrading the Coole Park Visitor Centre.

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Dr Máire Geoghegan-Quinn appointed chairperson of NUI Galway’s Governing Authority

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

Dr Máire Geoghegan-Quinn has been appointed chairperson of Údarás na hOllscoile, the University’s Governing Authority. Dr Geoghegan-Quinn, a former government minister and European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, was unanimously selected at the first formal meeting of the new Údarás.

Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President of NUI Galway, said iIt is a privilege for NUI Galway to have someone of Dr Máire Geoghegan-Quinn’s calibre as chairperson of Údarás na hOllscoile. She has all the attributes for excellence as chairperson of Údarás and I am delighted that she has agreed to accept this role for our university, our students and our staff.“

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Growing numbers back call to rebuild tidal pools at Ladies Beach

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

A petition calling for the reconstruction and reopening of the tidal swimming pools at Ladies Beach in Salthill has reached more than 4,500 signatures.

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Galway councils receive more than €4 million for Housing Adaptation Grants

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

More than €4 million has been allocated to the Galway’s local authorities for housing adaptation grants to enable older people and those with disabilities or mobility issues to continue living independently in their own homes.

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Baily Point needs ‘a face-lift’ says Higgins

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

The Baily Point complex in Salthill is risking becoming “an eyesore” with plaster falling off its exterior and its external façade “in a very poor state”.

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New affordable housing scheme will make houses anything but affordable, warns Farrell

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

A new affordable housing scheme from the Government will not result in more people owning their own homes, but instead will push up prices and see “a return to failed housing policies of the Celtic Tiger era”.

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Irish UN Soldiers to be vaccinated prior to peacekeeping missions

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

All UN Peacekeeping soldiers, including members of the Irish Defence Forces, will now be vaccinated against Covid-19 prior to their departure for duties.

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Ultrasound services to be available in Tuam from next week

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

An interim ultrasound service will begin in the Tuam Primary Care Centre from Monday March 8, the HSE has confirmed.

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Government plan needed to tackle driving test backlog, says Crowe

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

Thousands of Galwegians are still waiting for a driving test, but with the average waiting time now at six months, the Government must step in to stop that timescale growing longer.

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'The best day in my working career I can remember'

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

“It was the best day in my working career that I can remember,” Dr Paddy Meagher says about last Saturday when Covid vaccinations were administered at Merlin Park.

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2,000 healthcare workers innoculated in a week at Ballybrit

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

More than 2,000 Galway healthcare workers have been innoculated against Covid-19 in less than a week at the mass vaccination centre at Galway racecourse in Ballybrit.

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How Mickey Mouse and Star Wars led Galway influence on Orlando’s GAA front

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

In these deeply worrying times Galwegians are contributing handsomely to a success story in Orlando. An Cheathrú Rua and Williamstown are represented in Orlando GAA’s impressive rise in recent months.

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Niamh Costello to lead CREW — Creative Enterprise West as chief executive

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

Niamh Costello formerly General Manager of Galway Technology Centre, has been appointed Chief Executive of the brand-new collaborative initiative CREW, which supports the Creative Digital enterprise sector along the Atlantic Economic Corridor.

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Joyce’s Supermarkets to mark International Women’s Day 2021

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

Every year on March 8, the world celebrates International Women’s Day, celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The main theme for International Women’s Day 2021 is Choose To Challenge. It is believed that a challenged world is an alert world so we should all try to #ChooseToChallenge in every way we can.

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advertiser In brief...

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

Cannon welcomes choice of Athenry Castle as Galway’s greening beacon

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advertiser In brief...2

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

Galway arts organisations to get close to three million in funding

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Galway arts organisations to get close to €3 million in funding

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

Galway arts organisations are set to benefit from a combined total of €2,923,760 in funding from the Arts Council.

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Galway urgently needs a bigger, expanded, sewage treatment system

Thu, Mar 04, 2021

“This expert-led report, Expanding Ireland’s Marine Protected Area Network, comes at a critical time for Ireland. Decades of poor planning and under investment in our marine and coastal areas have resulted in unsustainable outcomes for our marine environment and the coastal communities that depend on it.”

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