Cannabis grower to be sentenced next year

Thu, Nov 27, 2008

A man who was growing cannabis plants in an apartment in the centre of Tuam town will be sentenced next year.

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Investigations continue after armed pub raid

Thu, Nov 27, 2008

Gardaí in Galway are still appealing for witnesses after an early hours armed rain on a pub in the city on Monday.

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Man pleads guilty to supplying cannabis at railway station

Thu, Nov 27, 2008

A 37-year-old man has pleaded guilty to supplying cannabis to others at Galway Railway Station nearly 10 years ago, following his appearance before Galway Circuit Criminal Court last week.

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Hospital inquiry into Connemara man’s death acknowledges ‘deficits’ in its system

Thu, Nov 27, 2008

A hospital inquiry into the tragic case of a Connemara man with hearing and speech problems who died while trying to find his way home from a hospital appointment has acknowledged deficits in its system.

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New websites to be launched at Galway City Museum

Thu, Nov 27, 2008

The new websites for the Galway City Museum, the Galway Arts Centre, and e.Business Galway will be launched at the museum this evening at 6pm.

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Babies and parents invited to Salthill thanksgiving service

Thu, Nov 27, 2008

Salthill parish will hold its annual thanksgiving service for parents and babies baptised at Christ the King church on Sunday December 7 at 3pm.

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Buaiteoirí an Oireachtais

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

Is é seo leanas liosta na mbuaiteoirí ó chontae na Gaillimhe ag Oireachtas na Gaeilge a bhí ar siúl i gCorcaigh.

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Tóraíocht an Yummy Mummy

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

Cuirfidh Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe tús luath le séasúr na geamaireachtaí ar Dé hAoine 26 Samhain le Tóraíocht an Yummy Mummy, seó atá scríofa ag Risteárd Ó Broin.

Scéal ar mhúnla Indiana Jones atá i ngeamaireacht na bliana seo: téann an Dr Stanley agus Ollie go dtí an Éigipt ag cuardach thuama an Bhanfharó Hatchetsoup — seanchailleach chontúirteach. Dar ndóigh, tá baddies go leor sa scéal, ar nós Árd-Draoí Kino agus a leathbhádóir Ali Flicknife, a fhéachann le stop a chur le Stanley agus Ollie, agus an tuama agus na seoda atá i bhfolach ann a aimsiú dóibh féin. Ina dteannta siúd, tá baicle mhór de charachtair eile páirteach sa gheamaireacht, ina measc an fearaí fiáin Ellie a thiteann i ngrá le duine de na buachaillí. Mar is dual do scéal ar bith a bhfuil mumaí ann, tá mallacht an mhumaí ann, mallacht a thitfidh ar aon duine a theagmhóidh le taisí an Bhanfharó Hatchetsoup.

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Faoi Chaibidil ag RnaG

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

Tá tús curtha le clár nua cúrsaí reatha agus polaitíochta ar Raidió na Gaeltachta agus is í an t-iriseoir agus an craoltóir Áine Ní Chiaráin a chuireann an clár nua, Faoi Chaibidil, i láthair gach Domhnach ag 1.10in.

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Ceardlanna Ionad Scríbhneoirí Chaitlín Maude

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

Tá trí cheardlanna scríbhneoireachta trí Ghaeilge á reáchtáil ag Ionad Scríbhneoirí Chaitlín Maude an geimhreadh seo. Beidh na ceardlanna ag díriú ar scríbhneoireacht don amharclann agus don teilifís. Beidh an chéad cheann ar siúl Dé Sathairn 29 Samhain le Darach Mac Con Iomaire, iar-stiúrthóir ealaíne na Taibhdheirce, ag plé an téama Ag Scríobh don Stáitse: cúrsa tosaigh.

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Dátaí don dialann

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

20 Samhain: Oíche na Leabhar á eagrú ag GLÓR Bhaile Locha Riach. Eolas ó (091) 870718.

26 – 30 Samhain: Tóraíocht an Yummy Mummy, geamaireacht na Taibhdheirce á léiriú sa Dhubhlann. Eolas agus ticéid ó (091) 562024.

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Man asked to mind shotgun, burn car, and give alibi, jury hears

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

A witness has told a jury that the man accused of a shooting in Galway city earlier this year arrived at the witness’s house that same night asking him to mind a backpack containing a “sawn-off shotgun”, to burn a car used in the incident, and to act as an alibi.

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Garda dragged twenty metres by drunken rugby player, court hears

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

A young rugby player, who had been driving his motorbike dangerously while drunk, dragged a Garda officer at least 20 metres before he stopped, the Galway District Court heard this week.

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Science festival concludes with major exhibition

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

Some of the west’s most advanced and successful industries – including a number which are working at the frontiers of modern medicine – are taking part in a major exhibition this week.

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Williamstown man is named on BNP membership list

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

The recently leaked list of members of the far right British National Party includes one member located in north Galway, it emerged last night.

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Leave the engines running and avoid the parking charge

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

When you drive into work tomorrow morning, before you get out of your car, just sit there and enjoy the experience, feel the ground beneath your wheels, appreciate the view that your car has all day while you’re at work. Because from January, that privilege is going to cost you. Yes, that is cost you on top of the fee being paid by your company.

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Galway Homeless Forum in desperate need of property to rent

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

Landlords in Galway city are being asked to assist in COPE Galway’s winter project in a search for a residential property to be used for its ‘Winter Initiative’.

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Chance for Clarinbridge security guard who threatened to shoot garda

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

A security guard from Clarinbridge who threatened to shoot a garda escaped with just the Probation Act in Mullingar District Court.

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Refusal of local church for carol festival could scar Oranmore community

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

The decision by the parish priest of Oranmore village to refuse to allow the second annual Christmas carol festival to be staged in the local Church of the Immaculate Conception next month could scar the community for a long time, it was claimed this week.

Mark Keane, an organist at Salthill Church who contributed to last year’s festival, says he was “saddened” and “ has questioned his own music ministry” after learning about the controversy.

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Tough days ahead but Galway will weather the storm, says GCBA head

Thu, Nov 20, 2008

“It was like a light being switched off in a room” — so said the chairman of the Galway City Business Association, Ronnie O'Gorman when describing the speed with which the financial world collapsed, during his address to the group’s AGM on Tuesday night.

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