Party cities are fuelling the business that killed Shane Geoghegan

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

It is frightening to realise that it was just an hour or so down the road in our sister western city that the brutal killing of Shane Geoghegan took place last weekend. As thousands flocked to his funeral yesterday afternoon, the revulsion in that city is shared by all around the country.

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RSF Fr Michael Griffin commemoration

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

Galway Republican Sinn Féin will mark the 88th anniversary of the murder of Fr Michael Griffin by British forces this Sunday with a march and wreath laying.

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Social night for Galway Visually Impaired Activities Club

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

The Galway Visually Impaired Activities Club will hold a social night and information evening in the Menlo Park Hotel this Saturday at 7pm.

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Serve your sentence or take your chances, alcoholic told by judge

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

A homeless alcoholic, who had been “an absolute menace” to members of the public when drinking in a bus shelter, was given the chance not to serve a two month sentence by staying off drink; however, if he fails he could face an even longer spell behind bars.

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Plush visit ends in fine for Gucci theft

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

A daddy’s little girl, who had been put up at a four star hotel during a two week visit to Ireland, had an unexpected visit to the local courthouse where she was fined €200 for the theft of perfume.

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Amnesty welcomes Galway becoming a ‘rendition-free’ zone

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

Galway City Council has now joined local authorities in Shannon, Limerick, Derry, and Kilkenny in declaring themselves ‘rendition-free’ following Galway’s commitment to preventing rendition flights through Galway Airport.

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Learn to knit with Knit One, Purl One

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

Ard Bia will launch its Knit One, Purl One knitting classes later this month.

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Galway City Business Association AGM

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

The Galway City Business Association will hold its annual general meeting in the city centre next week.

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Eglish parents demand new school to replace current ‘mice infested health hazard’

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

Parents of children attending a 109-year-old mice infested primary school in Co Galway are seeking an urgent meeting with Education Minister Batt O’Keeffe about getting a new school built in the area.

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America’s ‘wittiest political journalist’ to speak at NUIG

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

When Barack Obama made his victory speech after last week’s US presidential election, he said: “Change has come to America”.

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Calling all 1988 Salerno Leaving Certs

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

The Salerno Leaving Certificate students of 1988 are organising a 20th school reunion and are urging all former students to attend.

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Coffee morning in Les Jumelles tomorrow

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

Les Jumelles in Abbeygate St, Galway will host a coffee morning tomorrow (Friday) November 14 in aid of the Barnardos chidlren’s charity.

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Shop till you drop and raise funds for local charities

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

Shoppers can avail of major discounts at the Eyre Square Centre’s “Charity Night of Giving” on Wednesday November 19 at 6.30pm.

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Winter food and wine celebration to raise funds for cancer charity

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

An extravagant winter celebration of food, wine and song in aid of Cancer Care West will take place on Saturday night at 7.30pm at the Hotel Meyrick.

Guests at this glittering black tie event will be treated to Italian foods accompanied by specifically chosen wines to complement each course. In the classic style of the old Galway wine club, information on each wine served will be presented on the night.

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Knocknacarra man gets seven months for disturbance and abuse of gardai

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

A man, who caused a disturbance in housing estate in the early hours of the morning and then raised his fists at gardai, was sentenced to a total of seven months at Galway District Court this week.

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Wheels stolen from car

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

Thieves made off with all four wheels from a car while it was parked in Newcastle last week.

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Flashing lights for schools

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

Children going to school in north Galway will be able to do so in greater safety with flashing lights to be erected at four schools in the region.

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City Mayor accuses HSE of learning nothing from Connemara man’s tragic death after hospital visit

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

The Mayor of Galway city has hit out at the HSE West accusing it of “learning nothing” from the tragic death of a former University Hospital Galway outpatient in a car accident on his way home to Clifden last February.

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An American dream in a town called Lewiston

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

There was a famous fight in this town in the state of Maine, once upon a time. Sonny Liston and Cassius Clay — later Muhammed Ali — came to Lewiston to fight for the heavyweight championship of the world. John Delahunty remembers the excitement in town. He now runs a legal firm. On this evening of November 4 2008 he is working in a voluntary capacity. He is keeping an eye on election polling stations for the Democrats. “Right across there in the town sports centre. That’s where it all happened,” says John. “It was the mid 1960s.”

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Intensive Irish course for prospective primary school teachers

Thu, Nov 13, 2008

Galwegians awaiting an interview for a graduation diploma in education (primary teaching), should take advanatage of a Conradh Na Gaeilge course to prepare candidates for the interview’s Irish language element.

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