On The Rocks

Thu, Oct 29, 2020

Rashida Jones plays Laura; she is a writer with writer's block and raising two daughters with her husband Dean. Lately she has noticed Dean is distant and not affectionate. His business is starting to take off so he is away from home a lot. When she goes to meet him at a work event she notices how friendly he is with a younger beautiful colleague which only adds to her suspicion. While having lunch with her father Felix, she tells him what has been bothering her. Instantly he assumes the worst (himself a life long womaniser). Rather than consoling Laura he takes the opportunity to bond with her on catching Dean out. They then spending the weekend stalking him around New York looking for evidence.

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Livefeed returns with online performance

Thu, Oct 29, 2020

On November 7, Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture youth music project, Livefeed, will host a live online event featuring young musicians and songwriters from Galway city and county. The event will be livestreamed via the Livefeed Facebook, YouTube and Twitch accounts at 7pm and available to watch after the event on YouTube. The event will also feature as part of the TRIBES Youth Arts Festival programme.

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Two mercilessly honest women poets

Thu, Oct 29, 2020

OF LATE, it has been in vogue for male publishers to publish young women poets. Some people think this has something to do with feminism. However, male publishers tend to be less interested in emerging woman poets over 40 – an age when many women, having raised families, begin seriously writing poems.

Both Attracta Fahy and Mary Madec are poets who lived full lives before they began publishing poems. Fahy’s debut, Dinner In The Fields, is published by innovative UK small press Fly On The Wall, while Madec’s third collection, The Egret Lands With News From Other Parts, was brought into the world by Jessie Lendennie’s Salmon Poetry - a press which puts the rest of Irish poetry publishing to collective shame when it comes to platforming alternative voices.

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Enjoy Macnas At Home - A Bram Stoker Festival commission!

Tue, Oct 27, 2020

In a year when a parade isn’t possible, Macnas has partnered once again with Bram Stoker Festival for a unique celebration to bring the magic of Macnas right into your home this Halloween.

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Sebastian Barry - live online from Kenny's Bookshop

Thu, Oct 22, 2020

"OUR BOOKSHOPS are the lighthouses for every writerly boat on the ocean. Without them we cannot set sail. They are the little churches and heroic temples of our endeavours."

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Mad, Bad and Dangerous - celebrating ‘difficult’ women

Thu, Oct 22, 2020

GALWAY’S MARGARETTA D’Arcy and Lelia Doolan are interviewed in a new web-series, Mad, Bad and Dangerous, celebrating trailblazing Irish women, aged over 70, who remain in the public eye.

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Album review: Denise Chaila

Music Reviews Thu, Oct 22, 2020

AN ARTICULACY and a wisdom beyond her years, armed with groove filled beats and melodies that are as catchy as they are clever, Denise Chaila has truly arrived with Go Bravely.

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Keeping the music going - despite Covid-19

Thu, Oct 22, 2020

Against all the odds set by Covid 19, Music Generation Galway City - a new venture for teaching music to children and teens - has proven a resounding success.

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‘To take good photos, you need to learn geography’

Thu, Oct 22, 2020

SOMETIMES IT takes an outsider’s eye to see what is special about a particular place, to recognise, and discover anew, the beauty which locals take so much for granted that they hardly not notice anymore. Through such people, we see our city with new eyes.

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'Getting To Know...'

Thu, Oct 22, 2020

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Cold beers on a hot beach with good company and good tunes.

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Last of Liam O’Flaherty’s banned novels is finally republished

Thu, Oct 22, 2020

LIAM O'FLAHERTY'S banned novel, The Martyr, has just been republished by Nuascéalta, 87 years since its first and only publication in 1933.

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Sunday concerts live-streamed from St Nicholas'

Thu, Oct 22, 2020

THIS SUNDAY at 5pm, the first in a series of five live streamed concerts, entitled Abendmusik, will be broadcast from St Nicholas' Collegiate Church.

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'Tragic' - Cat Turner releases new single

Thu, Oct 22, 2020

"IT'S A love song you can sing to yourself, with a hint of sarcasm!" is how Galway singer/songwriter/producer Cat Turner describes her new single, 'Tragic', which is released on Friday October 23.

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Film review: Rebecca

Films Reviews Tue, Oct 20, 2020

ON THE French Riviera, a young, working class, woman is traveling as an assistant. While alone one afternoon she meets Max de Winter, a handsome widower who invites her for a drive. After a whirlwind romance they wed, and spend another week on the continent.

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Tariq Ali to read at Over The Edge

Thu, Oct 15, 2020

"THE SERVICE of great kings may carry its own rewards, but the service of truth goes unrewarded and is, for that very reason, worth far more.”

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Billy Bragg to play Galway in 2021

Thu, Oct 15, 2020

BILLY BRAGG, one of the most powerful and incisive political songwriters of the last 40 years, will play the Black Box Theatre, Saturday November 6 2021.

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Galway ballerina seeks sponsorship

Thu, Oct 15, 2020

GALWAY BALLERINA Emer Lenihan is a dancer making waves in the ballet world at the moment, having been offered auditions in January with the St Petersburg Ballet and Boris Eifman Ballet companies in Russia.

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‘Turning Galway into an exhibition’

Thu, Oct 15, 2020

THE FIRST in a series of exhibitions under the Government’s art and culture ‘Getting Through Covid-19 Together’ campaign opens in the Eyre Square Shopping Centre from today, Thursday October 15.

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‘I was a massive film creep before I was a music creep’

Thu, Oct 15, 2020

THE HILL - a landform which extends above the surrounding terrain; a summit to be reached; a place on which a person is prepared to die for an ideal; an obstacle to be overcome; a goal.

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'Getting To Know...'

Thu, Oct 15, 2020

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Spending quality time with my family.

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