2021 Over The Edge Poetry Book Showcase

Galway poets who have published work this year to read at annual literary event

Rita Ann Higgins, one of Galway's most original and outspoken poets, will be among those taking part in the 2021 Over The Edge Poetry Book Showcase.

The showcase, hosted by Over The Edge, in association with Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop, takes place on Zoom in association with Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop on Friday February 12 at 6.30pm. The MCs will be Kate Ennals and Kevin Higgins.

Poets taking part in the event will be Rita Ann Higgins, Aoife Reilly [pictured below], John D Kelly, Attracta Fahy, Vinny Glynn-Steed, Danielle Holian, Christine Valters Paintner, Mary Turley McGrath, Jessamine O’Connor, John W Sexton, Marion Kilcoyne, Hilary Wakeman, Denis Mockler, Eileen Sheehan, Peadar O’Donoghue.


There will also be readings from the anthologies, The Shop: An Anthology of Poetry, and Galway Then, Galway Now – The Crannóg 2020 Anthology, to which several Galway-based poets contributed.

To join The Over The Edge Zoom go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7389013549. The meeting ID is 738 901 3549. Admission is free. All poetry books showcased at this event are available via charliebyrne.ie


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