Changing colours and cups of coffee

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

The White Mountains of New Hampshire are aflame this week. Trees of fiery orange and red entwined in a mix of russet and chocolate brown. The year is changing colours as the fall envelops the north east of America. “America is about to change colours politically as well,” says Theodore (Ted) S Sares, who now lives in the ‘Granite State’. He is a business consultant and also describes himself as a private investor. He would admit in a colourful burst of laughter that he is a millionaire, but he was a bigger millionaire before the financial crisis struck. Ted Sares could strike once too — and he could put together a one/two combination in the ring. He was a useful amateur light heavyweight with 130 contests under his belt. And he once closed the Digital Corporation business in Galway.

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Mayor demands that ‘heads must roll’ in City Hall after High Court decision

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

Heads must roll over the recent High Court decision against City Hall on the Eyre Square renovation or else the Department of the Environment must step in and examine the way the Galway City Council is run.

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Have a night at the races with Labour

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

The Galway Labour Party will hold a Race Night in The Westwood House Hotel this Saturday at 8.30pm to raise funds for next year’s local elections.

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Fahey welcomes Government U-turn on income levy

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

In its second U-turn of the week the Government announced that the one per cent income levy in Budget 09 will not apply to people on or under the national minimum wage.

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Galway Bay on Ice for city centre site

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

Galway Bay on Ice will return to a city centre site this Christmas, and promises to be bigger and better than ever.

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Gardaí probe pub assault claims

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

Gardaí have appealed for witnesses following an alleged assault in a city centre pub at the weekend.

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Claddagh ice rink is dangerous, says O Brolchain

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

The Claddagh Ice Rink was branded “not acceptable” by Niall O Brochain this week as fears have surfaced after 2006’s events which saw the ice rink take off and land in the Corrib!

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No facilities makes recycling hard for apartment dwellers, say Greens

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

The lack of recycling facilities for people living in apartments is a major contributor to the volume of waste generated in the city according to The Green Party’s Mairéad Ní Chróinín.

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Education cutbacks puts Irish students’ future in jeopardy says Cameron

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

The Government’s cutbacks to education is “jeopardising the future of all our children” and are “indefensible and regressive” according to Labour Cllr Billy Cameron.

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Mayor calls for nominations for the Mayor’s Awards 2008

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

The Mayor of Galway Cllr Padraig Conneely, launched the sixth annual Mayor’s Awards in City Hall on Tuesday and called on the public to nominate the most deserving groups and individuals for an award.

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Orthoscopic clinic opens in Knocknacarra

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

Richard Hughes opticians has opened an orthoscopic clinic at his practice at Seacrest, Knocknacrra.

Orthoscopics involves solving perception problems by coloured lens correction. It is designed for patients with conditions such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASD, migraine, multiple sclerosis, headaches, ME and eye muscle problems including double vision and squint. It is also suitable for “lazy eye” condition, hearing and speech difficulties, neurological conditions and ADD/ADHD.

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No limits on snooker king Kevin’s ambition

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

Galwayman Kevin Monroe, the Irish masters snooker champion, is getting ready for the World Championships next month by practising on the pristine tables at the new snooker lounge at the City Limits complex in Oranmore.

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Man fined €1,000 after nearly crashing into bridge

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

A catering business owner, who was fined €1,000 for nearly crashing into a bridge while drunk behind the wheel, learnt that it was far cheaper and safer to get a taxi after a night out.

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Drink driver to serve extra seven months in jail

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

A man with 31 previous convictions which include a plethora of road traffic offences will have to serve an extra seven months for drink driving and driving while uninsured.

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GMIT careers fair next week

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

More than 80 national and international employers have signed up for the GMIT recruitment and careers fair 2008, which will take place in the GMIT Dublin Road campus on Thursday October 30.

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Good Shepherd parish set to lead all nationalities on a merry dance

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

A GALWAY parish priest is spearheading set dancing classes as a way of bringing different nationalities together in a spirit of fun and learning.

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‘Troubled’ woman steals €1,000 worth of clothing

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

A “troubled” woman, who was found with more than €1,000 worth of clothing stolen from two retail stores, was granted bail and ordered to co-operate with the Probation Services.

Elizabeth Moore (50) with an address at 11 Sandyview Drive, Riverside, appeared at Galway District Court and pleaded guilty to stealing clothes valued at €383.50 from Monsoon, Williamgate Street, and clothes valued at €945.28 from Debenhams, Eyre Street, on March 29, 2007.

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Sacred space

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

The day after being released from my leg brace, I went to the pool in The Ardilaun where Damian and the staff minded me and the surfaces are covered in the perfect tile, secure even when wet. I moved unsteadily, the first few feet from the disabled dressing room to the steps, inched down them and slid, easily and safely, down into the water. When no-one could see me I cried, to be restored to myself again, though I could only manage one lap, grateful that in water I still felt safe. It is the element that bears you up.

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Grealish is better off staying away from Fianna Fail

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

While the implosion of unregulated free market capitalism blew the PDs off the front pages of the nation’s newspapers, the botched, badly planned, and badly sold Budget 09 might have them back on it again.

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The Polish vote could swing it in 2009

Thu, Oct 23, 2008

The Polish vote could be among the largest, perhaps most crucial, of any group at next year’s Local Elections - but is anything being done to make Galway Poles aware they have voting power?

Under current legislation, citizens of Ireland, or a person who is ordinarily resident in the State, who has reached the age of 18 years or over by September is entitled to stand for and/or vote at local elections.

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