Grealish calls for movement on Oranmore railway station

Dep Noel Grealish has called on the CEO of CIE, Dr John Lynch, to progress plans for a new railway station for Oranmore and to meet with the Department of Transport and Galway County Council to discuss the project.

Deputy Grealish has written to Mr Lynch seeking a meeting to discuss the new railway station and how it can be progressed as quickly as possible.

“An enormous amount of work has been done by the local authorities in sourcing a site at Garraun in Oranmore to provide the necessary infrastructure for a commuter railway station,” Dep Grealish said.

“A new railway station at Garraun would provide a service for people travelling from the east side of Galway into the city each day. This site would also provide for a park and ride service for workers travelling into the major industrial areas of our city.

“In addition to this Galway County Council has sent proposals to the Department of Transport for funding for a bus service for the Carnmore Cross, R339 area, and the commuter rail station to provide a service to the major industrial areas on the east side of Galway city, including Parkmore, Ballybrit, and Ballybane, and in conjunction with these plans Galway City Council also continue to expand the QBC network.”

County council proposals for Garraun envisage a transport hub linking the new N6 and Galway Airport with a new mainline railway station, along with a park and ride and QBC terminus, as part of an integrated transport model for the eastern expansion of the city.

According to Dep Grealish approximately 65,000 cars a day travel on the N6, the Oranmore Coast Road, and the R339 from Carnmore into Galway city and its major industrial areas.

“Most of these cars contain only one person and these commuting habits are unsustainable in the long term,” he warned. “A more efficient and integrated public transport service in this area would greatly alleviate the traffic congestion at peak times and would offer people an alternative means to get to work.

‘A commuter rail link, combined with a park and ride service, frequent bus services, and quality bus corridors, is one of the most efficient ways to address the traffic problems in our city and I am calling on all the relevant parties to come together to progress this project.”

Deputy Grealish has discussed his proposals with Minister for Transport Noel Dempsey and written to Dr John Lynch of CIE requesting a meeting “at the earliest possible opportunity”.

“It is hoped that progress on this project can be made early in 2009 and to continue the work and plans with relevant parties on this issue,” he said.


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