Album review: Liam Gallagher

Music Reviews Thu, Sep 19, 2019

IT IS impossible to read the title of Gallagher jr's second solo album and not hear it as he would say it, delivered, undoubtedly with all the Mancunian cock-sure swagger you would expect.

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Album review: Pixies

Music Reviews Thu, Sep 12, 2019

WHEN YOU have created the albums Surfer Rosa (1987) and Doolittle (1989), seen them achieve classic status, and their songs continue to find new generations of fans via TV, film, and indie clubnights, there can only be one thought: follow that.

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Album review: the strange, the brilliant, and the awful from the 60s counterculture

Music Reviews Thu, Sep 05, 2019

THIS VAST and varied 18 track compilation, spanning 1959 to 1973, and running from the innovative to the period piece curiosity to the 'What were they on?', unearths some overlooked gems worth re-exploring and reconsidering.

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Album review: Ezra Furman

Music Reviews Thu, Aug 29, 2019

THERE WILL not be a better live music gig in Galway in 2019 than the one Ezra Furman delivered in the Róisín Dubh in July as part of the Galway International Arts Festival.

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Album review: Ada Lea

Music Reviews Thu, Jul 25, 2019

THE BREAK-UP album - Blood On The Tracks, The Bride Stripped Bare, Rumours, Songs For Only The Lonely, Blue, Currents... - rarely do catharsis and creativity go so well and productively together.

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Album review: Kyle Craft

Music Reviews Thu, Jul 11, 2019

IN SOME corner of a foreign field - Portland, Oregon, to be precise - it is forever 1972. David Bowie is always Ziggy Stardust and T.Rex's glitterburst boogie is the soundtrack to everyone's teenage years.

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Album review: Jesca Hoop

Music Reviews Thu, Jul 04, 2019

IT WAS often said of The Cure's 1982 album Pornography, that after beginning with the words, "It doesn't matter if we all die", it proceeded to get bleaker from there.

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Album review: Morrissey

Music Reviews Thu, Jun 13, 2019

SUPPORTING BREXIT and UKIP, and making sympathetic comments about far-right figures have left Morrissey fans disgusted, in despair, and in denial - often, with long term fans like myself, feeling all three at once.

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Album review: Joan As Police Woman

Music Reviews Thu, May 23, 2019

A MAMMOTH 43 tracks, spanning 13 years, including two new recordings, as well as 10 tracks recorded for a BBC6 Music session, this is as expansive and exhaustive a Joan As Policewoman anthology as is possible.

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Album review: The National

Music Reviews Thu, May 16, 2019

THERE IS something familiar, and yet altogether different, about The National's eighth studio album. This is due partly to it being a film soundtrack, but mostly it is the presence of numerous female voices within this normally masculine environment.

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Album review: Jobcentre Rejects

Music Reviews Thu, May 09, 2019

WHEN IRON Maiden released their self-titled debut album in 1980, it did something no one thought possible - it fused the still evolving metal genre with styles the previous three years declared sworn enemies - punk/post-punk with prog-rock.

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EP review: Body Type

Music Reviews Thu, May 02, 2019

THEY CALL themselves the "trash can girl band", giving the impression of a raw and raucous garage rock, but Body Type are a far more considered prospect than their self-description indicates.

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Album review: Fontaines D.C.

Music Reviews Thu, Apr 11, 2019

IMAGINE A song which sounds as though it were written by Shane McGowan, but performed by The Velvet Underground. That song is 'Dublin City Sky', the closing track on Fontaines D.C.'s debut album.

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Album review: White Denim

Music Reviews Thu, Mar 28, 2019

IN SOME corner of a foreign field - Austin, Texas, to be precise - it will forever be the 1970s, but what kind of seventies depends on what White Denim album you are listening to.

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Album review: Ye Vagabonds

Music Reviews Thu, Mar 21, 2019

THROUGHOUT THESE last couple of years, Ye Vagabonds have steadily built a following and a fair measure of respect, culminating in their nomination for a 2018 BBC Folk Award on the strength of their self-released debut album.

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Album review: Stella Donnelly

Music Reviews Thu, Mar 14, 2019

THE SOUND, the look, is deceptive, disarming. The singer is all smiles and kookiness, the songs seemingly frothy, jubilant, catchy, 1980s style indie-pop. It's the sweetness that attracts.

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Album review: Maria Somerville

Music Reviews Thu, Mar 07, 2019

MARIA SOMERVILLE'S earliest songs were melancholy, atmospheric, meditations, based around the guitar. In the years since, her music has metamorphosed into electronica, but those qualities of mood and emotionally drenched sonics remain.

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Album review: Julia Jacklin

Music Reviews Thu, Feb 21, 2019

LOOKS CAN be deceiving. Or can they? The cover of Jacklin's second solo album finds her surrounded by bric-a-brac, almost drowning in it, but with an ecstatic expression on her face.

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Album review: Porkstore

Music Reviews Thu, Feb 14, 2019

PORKSTORE IS Barry Richardson - Galwegian, all around top bloke, and inspiration behind one of the greatest songs So Cow (aka Brian Kelly) has ever written. And Barry is not just the subject of a song, but a songwriter himself.

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Album review: Calva Louise

Music Reviews Thu, Feb 07, 2019

IT MAY be housed inside one of the most terrible album sleeves in living memory, but past the ghastly graphics lies a 30 minute treat of 10 fast and furious indie-pop/garage-rock songs.

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