Week two festival reviews

Events Review Thu, Aug 01, 2019

MOONFISH'S REDEMPTION Falls was one of the most eagerly anticipated shows in this year’s GIAF and its staging of Joseph O’Connor’s novel abounded in musical and visual invention.

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'We got a fantastic response from cartoonists internationally'

Events Review Thu, Nov 08, 2018

Galway’s second Cartoon Festival kicks off this weekend on Saturday, and last year’s little acorn has already had an impressive growth spurt. Last year the festival was confined to two venues, whereas this year’s event features work by more than 70 cartoonists from all around the world which will be on show in a minimum of eight locations across the city.

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GIAF reviews: Incantata, The Aspirations of Daise Morrow, Class

Events Review Tue, Jul 31, 2018

"AND DEATH shall have no dominion’ Dylan Thomas once wrote, though if he had been at GIAF 2018 he may have revised that opinion. Death was a major theme of Incantata, The Aspirations of Daise Morrow, Gardens Speak, Orfeo ed Euridice, and Wit, while characters also died in the course of Baoite, Flight, and Class, with a hint of suicide in Shelter for good measure.

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Youth Ballet West gala show (Town Hall)

Events Review Mon, May 15, 2017

YOUTH BALLET West celebrated its tenth anniversary with two vibrant, colourful gala performances at the Town Hall over the weekend. Salvos of loud and sustained applause greeted many of the routines which comprised choice excerpts from some of YBW’s greatest hits, as well as new pieces, such as Judith Sibley’s Tribute to Hayden and the lively fusion of contemporary and Irish dance in Theme from Green Bushes.

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GIAF 16 Round-up reviews

Events Review Wed, Jul 27, 2016

RISING STAR and Irish soul singer Brian Deady brought down the curtain on this year’s Galway International Arts Festival in fine style with a rousing gig at the Róisín Dubh on Sunday night.

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Event review: CarnEvil

Events Review Thu, Oct 15, 2015

GALWAY GETS its first taste of a scare attraction this Halloween season with CarnEvil, running throughout October in the old printing works behind the Connacht Tribune on Market Street.

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