In Praise of the Raise

As the multi-tasking debate continues – does it make you an extra-productive, capable achiever or leave you a mindless, burnt-out wreck? – you have to admit that things that multi-task (objects as opposed to people ) absolutely rock. A mobile phone moonlighting as a torch? Nifty. Storage that doubles as a seat? Don’t mind if I do. A spork? I haven’t personally had the pleasure, but I’m sure they’re extremely useful. Whether space is tight or it’s just appreciation of good design, we all like things that work hard for us.

In bricks and mortar terms, the best multi-tasker in the garden has got to be the raised bed. Landscaping contractors implementing garden designs I’ve produced have commented on how often raised beds tend to appear in my garden plans, and there’s a good reason why they do. They can be used as a design feature in their own right, or used to solve a design challenge – for instance, by incorporating them into an arrangement with steps in order to work around a change in garden levels.

In smaller gardens where space is at a premium, they are a good way to create a change in levels where none exists naturally, bringing height to a compact garden and making it much more interesting. An added benefit of this is that in a smaller garden, you don’t have very much space for planting – so apart from specimen plants placed to draw the eye, most plants have to be relatively small in size. Raising them upwards in a raised bed not only makes them easier to tend to – an important consideration if back issues or arthritis are part of your life – but allows you to see and appreciate the plants up close. This is not just valuable in winter and early spring when the garden could otherwise look very bare, but in summer too when making aromatic or scented plants easier to reach means you can really enjoy them.

Anne Byrne Garden Design provides easy to follow Garden Plans that you can implement right away or in stages. Anne’s design flair and passion for plants brings a touch of magic to gardens of all sizes.

Anne Byrne Garden Design – Creative Ideas – Practical Solutions – Stunning Gardens.

T: 086 683 8098 E: [email protected]


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