Holistic therapists’ day in Tullamore

Due to popular demand, Hazel Devine is holding a special mind, body, and spirit holistic therapists' day in the Tullamore Court Hotel on Sunday, April 8, from 11am to 6pm.

Hazel Devine says she has a rare gift, a special ability to read people’s physical, emotional, and mental health. She works with all types of people and all ages, including children and babies.

The focus of this day is to translate and demonstrate all aspects of a person's mind, body, and spirit using her psychic abilities and through her rare spiritual life connections.

Do not miss this chance to experience Hazel Devine and her therapists in action. The event will take place in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere where Hazel Devine will guide you and give you direction in your life.

At 12 noon Hazel Devine will demonstrate and give talks on healing, while looking at people’s pain on a physical, emotional, and mental level. She will look back into the past to find the root cause of the shock and trigger points of the pain, where emotions are trapped in the body. She will give clarity and explain what is required for people to move forward in their lives.

At 2pm she will demonstrate and give talks on healing babies, children, and teenagers, while looking at their emotions and anxiety. She will give clarity and understanding on how they are feeling, and demonstrate how to deal with these emotions.

From 4pm to 5pm she will give talks on the spirit world. Using her psychic abilities and through her spiritual connection, Hazel Devine will guide and give direction to people’s lives, in an intimate setting.

She will also speak with and refer clients to suitable therapists throughout the day. There will be a wide range of therapies available which Hazel Devine and her therapists are making affordable for all on the day, with reduced cost sessions and readings.

Entry on the day costs €5 for adults and babies. Children and teenagers enter free of charge.

For further information contact hazeldevine@gmail.com or phone (087 ) 2286810.


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