Why health insurance is a must for your family

In Ireland, we are fortunate to have access to a public health system that treats children if they get sick.

In some cases however children, like adults, join the waiting list for essential surgery, creating a good deal of anxiety for the child and parents.

Take the case of Patrick* and Laura* who insured their child Thomas* since birth. Almost overnight at age three, Thomas transformed from a vibrant, active, little boy to a listless and withdrawn child who no longer wanted to run, play, or join in with his friends.

After a series of medical tests, consultants determined Thomas had a relatively common condition that, if left untreated, could impact his developmental milestones and general quality of life. His condition had also caused some hearing loss at a critical time of his speech and language development.

Consultants recommended an operation and deemed his case urgent, but despite this, Thomas would be expected to wait at least six months for surgery in the public system.

Patrick and Laura opted to use their health insurance and sought a consultant in a private hospital to operate on Thomas three weeks later. Not only were they relieved Thomas was receiving treatment swiftly, they were delighted with his post-operative care and hearing test results that showed his hearing had been restored to 100 per cent.

If, like Patrick and Laura, your child needed treatment, would you be prepared to wait? Talk to Hennelly Finance, the go-to health insurance advisor, on 091 670 123 to find out how health insurance can protect your child.

*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of the family involved.


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