Spring into shape with Galway's newest Slimming World group

Linda had always struggled with her weight, but since discovering Slimming World and shedding an amazing six stone, she has found a new lease of life.

“I’ve battled with my weight for as long as I can remember, but after the birth of my son, I just threw myself into my new role as mammy, completely neglecting myself in the process," she said. "I didn’t notice the pounds piling on. As my tiny newborn turned into an active toddler, I found myself struggling to keep up with him! I felt guilty that I wasn’t able to fully relish playtime with Louie; I just didn’t have the energy. I knew something had to change.”

That change came when Linda joined Slimming World.

“I listened in awe as I was told I could eat unlimited potatoes and still lose weight," she recalled. "I was sceptical, but I followed the plan 100 per cent and returned seven days later, and 8lb lighter — I was sold."

Based on the principles of healthy eating habits and simple lifestyle changes, combined with an amazing support network, Linda believes that the Slimming World plan is the best thing since sliced bread (which you can also enjoy with food optimising ).

“Slimming World really has transformed my life. I am a healthier, happier, person and I have bucket loads of energy to enjoy playing with Louie. I love having the freedom to enjoy real food without feeling hungry. As a working mom, it just wouldn’t be practical to have to cook separately. With food optimising, the whole family can enjoy tasty, nutritious, meals. Shepherd’s pie is our family favourite.”

Linda already runs the hugely successful Slimming World group in Killannin Community Centre, Rosscahill, every Saturday morning at 9.30am and 11.30am, and is very excited to be launching a new group in the newly renovated Maldron Hotel, Headford Road, Galway, on Monday March 19 at 7.30pm.

“I can’t wait to meet even more fantastic people and help them to achieve their weight loss dreams,” she said.

Contact Linda on 087 6577383 for more information.


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