Property for the future — investment properties and self-administered pension conference

O’Donnellan & Joyce auctioneers and Grant Thornton will host a public conference on March 15 at 6.30pm in the John B Keane room in the Harbour Hotel to discuss the current rental market and self-administered pensions.

O’Donnellan & Joyce auctioneers has gathered a group of expert guest speakers together to discuss and answer questions in relation to these two topics

Keynote speaker Ronan Lyons, economist, Trinity College Dublin, will discuss the current housing market and the trends he is seeing and his forecasts facing the property market.

Diarmaid O’Sullivan, Threshold regional service manager, will discuss the requirement and barriers for investors to enter into the private residential market and the demand for housing.

Aengus Burns, financial services advisory, Grant Thornton, will discuss the tax efficient ways of investing in property via self-administered pension funds, trusteeship, scheme approval and compliance, and the role Grant Thornton plays in this.

Pat Fleming, mortgage intermediary, will discuss the availability of finance to investors.

Alan McKenna, property services advisor, O’Donnellan & Joyce auctioneers, will discuss the services O’Donnellan & Joyce offers in relation to sourcing and disposal of suitable investment properties for self-administered pension funds, along with the requirement to appoint a licensed property manager for scheme compliance.

Self-administered pension funds allow employers and employees alike to invest in their own future with limited risk. Investors can choose any commercial or residential property to buy. Where available, borrowing can be utilised to assist in funding the purchase. All of the costs including solicitors, auctioneers, stamp duty, property tax, maintenance and management charges, can be paid from the fund. All the rental income accumulates tax free within the self-administered pension. On disposal there are no Capital Gains Tax liabilities. On retirement the property can be transferred over to an approved retirement fund (ARF ) and will continue to generate post retirement income.

Another key advantage of a self-administered pension is that income tax relief on the employee and the employer contributions currently remains at the higher rate of tax. On retirement you can also take 25 per cent of the value of your self-administered pension tax free up to a maximum of €200,000.

The conference will be open to the public, with doors opening at 6pm. The event will be 90 minutes long, allowing time for questions and answers from the public at the end of the conference.


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