Time to get cleaning this spring

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

Make the most of your enthusiasm for home improvement this spring by getting stuck into some spring cleaning. A full spring clean can be a daunting task, so here are some tips to help make the job easier.

The fridge

Arguably one of the tougher jobs of spring cleaning is cleaning the fridge. Over the course of the year, there may have been spillages, crumbs, and other assortments that have set up permanent camp in the fridge. It is a big job but not an impossible task. First, get rid of any gone off food. Then wipe the shelves from top to bottom. Hot water and baking soda does the job of cleaning and will not leave your fridge smelling of bleach.

The oven

Almost used as much as the fridge is the oven. There will be plenty of crumbs and burned food left over from meals past so your best friend in this situation is oven cleaner. Give the oven a quick spray and leave for a day. Wipe it down before its next use. Easy.


The best way to keep your cutlery clean is by washing it straight after use. However, we all can be lazy and leave our dishes uncleaned for a day or two. This can result in food becoming stuck and difficult to remove. If you are not willing to clean your dishes straight away, put a bit of washing up liquid on the dish and leave it to soak in hot water. This will make the plates easier to clean when you find the motivation to do it.

The toilet

Ah the toilet. It does take a lot of sh*t. OK that was a terrible joke but the toilet needs to receive as much attention during the cleaning spree as any other place in the house. First pour some bleach down the bowl. Then wipe the seat and outside of the bowl with an antibacterial wipe. After this, scrub the bowl with a toilet brush before wiping down again with a dry cloth to make it shine.

There you have it. Some top tips on cleaning.

Did you know that you can Advertise your cleaning services from just €4 per month on Advertiser Classifieds? Click the link below for more details:



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