Outer by-pass ‘will not be built’ warns McCormack

The Galway City Outer By-pass will not be built in the near future despite the fact there is €13.5 million already spent in planning and environmental investigation of the route.

This is the view of Fine Gael Galway West Padraic McCormack, who said the road will not be built, partially because the Border, Midlands and Western Region is suffering “serious discrimination” with less money being spent on roads in the region than in any other area of the State.

Dep McCormack has been comparing the funds allocated to the Border, Midlands and West Region (which includes Galway ) with those received by the South Region and the East Region.

According to Dep McCormack, over the last 10 years, out of a total of €13.5 billion, the South and East regions spent €9.6 billion, compared to the €3.9 billion spent in the BMW region.

“All we got in the western region was 29 per cent of the total expenditure on the Roads Programme National Primary and Secondary Roads,” said Dep McCormack, “while the South and East Region received 71 per cent of the total allocation.”

He said this shows “a complete discrimination” against the west of Ireland. “It is not surprising we are so far behind in infrastructural projects,” he said.

He added that there is “no possibility of the Galway City Outer By-pass being built” despite the fact there is €2.9 million allocated this year.

“This is only for further planning and archaeological studies of the route,” he said. “No money has been allocated or is likely to be allocated for any work on this route in the near future.”


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