Scoil Naisiunta Cearn Mor reveals its new high-tech classrooms

Carnmore National School last week held an open night for parents to showcase the seven new interactive whiteboards installed in the school since January this year.

Every classroom now has one of these state-of-the-art whiteboards which ensures that every pupil enjoys a multimedia-filled educational experience.

“The Board of Management and Parents’ Association came together a year ago and plotted a joint strategy which has led to the provision of interactive whiteboards in every class in our school,” said Carmel Kenny, Chairperson of the Board of Management, who said she was delighetd that this has now come to fruition with the launching of the high-tech teaching aids.

Jennifer Joyce, Chairperson of the Parents’ Association, said that the technology will impact on every pupil in the school.

“We felt it was important to provide technology in the day to day environment of the classroom that would reach as many children as possible.

“With computers you can only reach a certain percentage of children, with the interactive whiteboards the technology is accessible to all, independent of ability, language skills and age,”she said..

“We in Scoil Naisiunta Cearn Mor are continually striving to provide our pupils with the highest quality, most interactive, most interesting and most future-proof education available,” said John Reilly, School Principal.

“All the stakeholders work very hard to provide the modern, spacious and technologically advanced school that we have in Carnmore,” continued Mr O’Reilly.

Scoil Naisiunta Cearn Mor is located eight kilometres from Galway, just one km from Galway airport, has 180 pupils, seven mainstream teachers, three learning support teachers and an administrative principal. Tá an scoil sa Ghaeltacht agus tá an Ghaeilge lárnach i saol agus múineadh na scoile.

A school with a long history of sport — hurling, football, camogie and soccer — this latest initiative at the progressive Carnmore National School shows how, with a strong parent-school partnership, the traditional and the modern can flourish.


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