Read en Français at Oranmore Library

FRENCH LANGUAGE books will now be available to read and borrow from the Oranmore Library which opened its new ‘French Section’ last weekend.

This is an initiative by Galway Accueil, a group of French people living in county Galway, who meet regularly to take part in Franco Irish themed events. Catherine Gagneux, the French Honorary Consul to Galway, welcomed the new French section of Oranmore Library, saying it will be “a great way for Francophiles and French learners and speakers to get more acquainted with classic and more recent literature from France, and many other French speaking countries”.

She said: “The objective is to encourage ways to make libraries a place for people to develop their love of reading, foster a readiness and willingness for young people to learn and be curious, and get French speakers not only to improve on their language skills but also to become more connected to French culture. After all, learning French without its cultural framework in which it exists is like cooking a French dish without butter!”


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