A new take on Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie will be performed in Galway next week when the awardwinning drama group Compántas Lir open a run in An Taibhdhearc.
When Tennessee Williams wrote his first masterpiece in 1944 his production notes asked directors to take the play on a journey and discover what the script offered to the production. In Compántas Lir’s take on the classic, Tom, played by Vincent Moran, takes centre stage. His story is told in flashback scenes where he recounts his mother Amanda’s efforts to find a husband for his sister Laura.
That effort is driven by Tom’s desire to leave the family to seek adventure and freedom. The harsh circumstances that the family live in have resulted from theIR abandonment by their father many years earlier.
This abandonment is an ominous theme that Tom looks like echoing as the play unfolds. The future of the family hinges on a dinner invitation to Jim, a work colleague of Tom’s who Amanda hopes will show an interest in her shy daughter. The cast comprises Vincent Moran as Tom, Liz Hession makes a welcome return as Amanda. Laura and Jim are played by newcomers Deana McGuire and Darragh Moran.
Compántas Lir have performed award winning plays for more than thirty years and in 2016 won the All Ireland Festival with their production of Proof by David Auburn.
The Glass Menagerie will run from Wednesday February 21 to Friday February 23 in An Taibhdhearc. Tickets are €13 and €15.50. Booking is strongly advised Box office is (091 ) 562 024 or by email on eolas@antaibhdhearc.com