Local business leaders raise more than €155k for Cope Galway’s homeless services

The annual COPE Galway Business Leader’s Sleepout has raised over €155,000 for COPE Galway’s Homeless Services. Twenty-eight Galway business leaders came together to raise these funds by sleeping out on Shop Street for 12 hours on December 1.

Last Thursday at an appreciation event for the participants, Jacquie Horan, CEO of COPE Galway, said she would like to thank all of the participants who have taken part and everyone who contributed to each participant’s fundraising drive, as well as the Galway public who supported the event on the night.

“Unfortunately the housing situation continues to be extremely difficult locally. Just last Tuesday, COPE Galway’s Homeless Services supported 117 households in emergency homeless accommodation (including 149 adults and 160 children ). This money will enable us to put specific practical solutions in place to help tackle the complex issue of homelessness in Galway.”

Hannah Kiely, member of the COPE Galway Board of Directors and founder of the Business Sleep Out said they areso glad to be able to use this money to directly fund COPE Galway’s various projects to support individuals and families at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness.

“Much of the focus this year is also on offering practical supports for people moving on from homelessness. There is so much work going on that would not happen except for the level of fundraising we have been able to achieve through the generosity of Galway business leaders on this night and, in many cases, with their support throughout the year. We are very grateful for this,” she added.

COPE Galway provides a range of services to those affected by homelessness as well as services for women and children experiencing domestic violence and supports for older people, including Meals on Wheels.

If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness and need support call COPE Galway Day Centre on 091 525259 or visit www.copegalway.ie


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