50 First Dates Galway – Will we be as lucky again this year?

“I met the man of my dreams, Mike and we've been inseparable since our first date at The Skeff in March 2017. We are together 10 months …..”, quoted Ronah Corcoran who applied last year and found love through this process…

Will we be as lucky again this year? We hope so.

Application forms are flying in and we will soon try our best to match couples based on what they are looking for in a partner, their interests, hobbies & age profiles & provide them with the setting and tools which may lead to igniting a spark.

Dating can be daunting but fear not our event team here at The Skeff will pull out all the stops to make this a smooth and fun experience.

Couples will be greeted by our host with a complimentary drink before getting to know their date over a delicious 3 course meal.

We are delighted this year to offer couples a second date if they choose to do so with our event sponsor, Lally Tours.

Other local businesses are on hand with date preparations adding some additional spark in the run up to the event and on the night, itself. Our sponsors include; Galway Bay FM, Go Dutch Flowers, Print On, Barry’s Hair & Beauty Studio, Anti Wrinkle Galway, Lally Tours & GALWAY now

So, if you are single and would like to enjoy dinner, cocktails and meet somebody new - why not apply? We will match 25 couples and hopefully Cupid will strike. If you know a single friend or family member, why not encourage them to apply? Simply log onto http://theskeff.ie/50firstdatesgalway

Tune in to Galway Bay FM from Monday to hear more about 50 First Dates Galway.

For updates, follow the event on social media (@TheSkeff )



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