The healing power of meditation

The breath is the meeting place for the body, mind, and spirit. Through meditation, you can relax more and find inner peace. It brings positive feelings, lets you feel more at peace, and allows you to face the world more clearly. It helps relieve anxiety, stress, depression, fatigue, and lowers blood pressure, according to Des McGuire, meditation teacher.

“It is not possible to be anxious, stressed, agitated, or unhappy if our minds are calm. The journey to this calm mind is through meditation. Medical practitioners agree that meditation complements mainstream medicine,” he said.

"Meditation allows you into the gap between our thoughts, where it stills the mind to the extent that we are fully relaxed yet alert to our surroundings. When we control our mind, we control our state of wellbeing."

Breath of Life Meditation is a one-to-one session, one hour duration, over three days. The technique is very simple and can have a profound effect on your life.

According to Des McGuire, the benefits of meditation are many, as stated above, including improving general heart health, helping with decision making, greater awareness, and mental alertness.

Des McGuire has been practising meditation since 1968 and has reaped the benefits from it. He says everyone should try meditation and see the effect it will have on their life.

Breath of Life Meditation is available in Galway city. Visit or contact Des McGuire on 087 2599637, email


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